
If you’ve fallen off Mediatonic’s free-to-play platformer royale in recent weeks...

I was just thinking about this game the other day, and thought that for a game supposed to come out soon (end of 2020), we heard very little about it. I could have bet it was going to be delayed...

I actually found the stand design for the ps5 rather neat, especially the slot to put the screw in so it’s harder to lose it.

However much credit “Mirror Cave Rey” has gotten... it’s not enough...

This is a Greg Miller appreciation comment.

They sure didn’t waste any time with those. I imagine all those collections are coming to GamePass as well when they release.

I’m using an i7 from 2012, the only actual problem I have is the only motherboards that support it only take DDR3 and that is starting be a big bottleneck to performance. So whenever I do the next upgrade, it’s got to be the whole CPU, Mobo, and RAM, which is a serious expense. It’s making the XSX look very appealing. 

I am going to be one of those idiots saying “Red ___ Standing By” on voice chat at the start of every match. I apologize in advance.

Bbecause someone doesnt agree with a way some people choose to live their lives it does make them a "phobe" of any kind. If I said I don't agree with people eating so much as to be obese does that make me an obesephobe? Heck I'm far and can agree that it's not a good thing, if I tell someone my opinion on it it doesnt

Thanks, I hate it.

Lets see, CDPR made sooo much money from the witcher 3, the best they ever have. What did they do, pay out bonuses, gave people time off, brought them all back to work on the next game.

I was actually considering buying Maid of Sker recently. Good thing I waited.

Maid of Sker for me

This game aside, (which looks fun) I am curious as to what the alternative to Capitalism is. It’s not like we haven’t tried communism. It was a resounding failure in Russia. And East Germany. And Cuba, Ukraine etc.

I think so! (But you can also wait until it goes on sale and play one of the other 200 games worth playing these days.)

QAnon is stupid as hell, but let’s not just ignore widespread sex trafficking by elites just because stupid, racist people are talking about it too. Stuff like Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell should have tipped people off that this is a serious widespread issue, but too many people just claim its all BS because trump

Honestly if you haven’t played Spider-Man on PS4 yet it’s so cheap that you basically have no excuse.

I feel like the Early Access release of this game is going to be very messy even as far as Early Access games go.

We may not have got a blockbuster Halo movie

Speaking of errors, there are going to be a lot of pissed/confused people in 2-3 days when they get their Xbox “X”.