But why?
But why?
I don’t have a lot of time this weekend to game, but for the little time I do have I’ll be working on leveling my first character in The Division 2. So far I’m really enjoying it, although the story hasn’t really grabbed me yet.
As a Bucks fan, I’m hyped! But for some reason, the Celtics are the one team in the East that scares me the most. Should be a great series!
The depressing part is someone in the Kotaku comments, calling someone else an ugly weirdo. If you don’t like it move on. Cohh is not a streamer I watch regularly but I’m not gonna hate on the guy for no reason.
Here’s my take that nobody asked for:
While Durant is a bitch and the Warriors suck, I do have to agree with what he yelled at Zarba.
Between the Brewers and the Bucks, this is the most excited I have been for Milwaukee sports in my life time. And if it comes at the expense of pissed of Cardinals fans then good!
I have to value the cocktail as more than $11. I go to Fiserv Forum pretty regularly and that cocktail was bare minimum $16.
Most of the time I have for gaming this weekend will probably go into R6: Siege since the new season just started. I have been putting off all of my single player games for so long that I feel like I need to play one of those. I have RDR2, Shadow of War, The Evil Within, or the original Resident Evil Remaster.
I was at this game as well as the Bucks game on Thursday against the Celtics. I got to see Red Panda perform on Thursday and then when I decide to bring my girlfriend to her first game this year, she had to see this shit.
I’ll be waiting for your report next week on if you actually started RDR2 ;)
I shit you not, there is a strip club just outside of the Wisconsin Dells called “Crusin’ Chubbys”
The elementary level in F.E.A.R. 2 is really terrifying too! I remember playing at a friends house who lived in the middle of no-where, surrounded by dark woods. Playing that game at 3 AM in that environment scared the shit out of me. I have yet to finish F.E.A.R. 1 or 2.
The text on these ads also looks exactly like the text used on the NBA 2K19 game cover.
I was right there with you at those home games! I am so excited for these Bucks. I have been rooting for this team and going to games for as long as I can remember. This just feels like something special. If the Bucks win a title with Giannis I am going to party and celebrate so hard!
Probably some Apex Legends and some Fortnite. I will also be checking out The Division 2 private beta. If I enjoy that enough, I might go ahead and do a new playthrough of the original Division with my buddy since I don’t remember much about it.
Just a couple years ago NBA 2k had a couple live concerts in their “Park”. I think Snoop Dogg and Lil Jon were two of the people who performed. From what I heard it was terrible, but for Marshmello to say the first ever, that is asinine.
You’re right! Thanks for pointing that out :) I feel like my pressure to play RDR2 is because of the internet and not my actual wanting to play the game.
I should be playing RDR2, but I know I won’t. I’ll probably play some BFV and some Marvel Ultimate Alliance with the GF. Her brother also recently got a Switch so we have been playing a ton of Smash Bros. Maybe one of these weekends I’ll focus on my single player games...
Thank God Heat “fans” don’t show up to games on time. Gave him plenty of room to roll down those seats.