
Yup Operation Chimera had an alien/zombies mode that actually told a little bit of a story and was a ton of fun!

So you’ve never watch a YouTube video of a guy fucking around in a video game for views and laughs? You’ve never watched a stupid cartoon for 30min on TV for a laugh or entertainment? 

Probably some of my usual games like R6:Siege and Battlefield V. All of the RE2 hype has me wanting to play the RE1 remaster that I got forever ago so maybe that. Other than that, I’m having a couples board game night this weekend so a variety of games there if that counts.

While I should be playing RDR2 I’ll probably end up playing something else all weekend. My GF said she wanted to start a new game together, so we are debating between Life is Strange, Batman Telltale, Game of Thrones Telltale or Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Which ever one we choose, will probably be what I play all

I’m the opposite. I’ve had the game since launch, probably have put around 6 hours into it and for some reason I haven’t really had the urge to go back and finish it. It looks like a fantastic game, but it hasn’t quite grabbed me yet. Granted I have also been extremely busy since the holidays. 

It’s a fantastic game! I have been playing it on and off since launch day. I was one of the few who enjoyed it at launch and stuck with it. I’m glad I did because it has been my go to shooter for years.

I’m pretty certain that I am getting BFV for Christmas. After reading so many articles about the TTK, I am well aware that I am probably going to suck when I get the game. I don’t think that is going to make me jump ship as I typically enjoy BF games a lot. But EA just had to meddle even if they did roll it back.

Good. Fuck the Bulls. I hope they’re terrible for 50 more years.

The good ol’ days indeed. I used to love going to people’s profiles after a multiplayer match to see what inappropriate stuff they had as their motto or in their bio. I would always file a compliant and wait a few days to see “Code of Conduct” in their profile. By my estimate, I probably got at least 50-60 people

While the store and everything is trash, I actually have had decent download speeds on my PS4. Granted I have 200 Mbps internet and a brand new ethernet cable. But I average around 123 Mbps when I run a test on my PS4.

I’m pretty busy this weekend so I’m not sure what I’ll be able to get in. But I’m going to a Christmas party this weekend and they requested I bring the Jackbox Party games so I guess that. If I’m lucky, I’ll get some time to play Red Dead. I’ve had the game since release and have maybe only played 5 hours worth of it

I agree with you. I recently discovered that I am a “Nice Guy” in that I apologize for things I shouldn’t. I try to buy love by giving gifts to my girlfriend all the time. It’s called “The Disease to Please” or anxious attachment. I think a lot of the “neck beards” suffer from this. I am in the process of changing

Definitely hyped about Dragon Age 2 and Mercenaries. I never got the chance to beat DA2 back in the day. And the memories I had from playing Mercenaries on my PS2 were fantastic. I’ve been thinking about going back and playing it. Now this gives me a much easier option!

Really? Is there a clip of this? Would love it see it.

Don’t have the Steam controller, but I like my little Steam Link. I’ve used it to play horror games on my living room tv when friends are over. My buddy uses his to stream sports to his living room TV since he doesn’t have cable. Is it perfect? No. But for the $20 I got it for, it’s good enough.

There was nothing good on TV last night so I stumbled across this game and decide to tune in for a bit. WOW! Is Mac McClung a lot of fun to watch. I had no idea who the kid was but not I’m a fan! 

As a Bucks fan, I couldn’t agree more. Although, I will always think John Henson is butt. Yeah it’s nice he hits three’s now, but he is still butt in the post and at rebounding. 

Yup that’s for sure Ninja, his wife and his brother.

A lot of these were dumb, but that last one about Congress got me!

This guy along with Ice and GreekGod and all the other “IRL Livestreamers” can go fuck off. They’re shit people who don’t deserve anything. They won’t change so why even ask for an apology. The best thing you can do is to not watch their content ever again and hope others follow suit.