Johnny Manzeil is also looking to find the current Johnny Manziel.
95% chance that kid turn into Buster Bluth
I played little league with Adam LaRoche for a year or two while his dad was the White Sox bullpen coach. They were decidedly not big on school or book learnin’ or doing much of anything except hitting baseballs and breathing with their mouths open.
Reports indicate that University of Kentucky has contacted the White Sox for tips on how to keep Drake away.
Fuck your son.
Ah yes, the summer wedding, the secret fear of all us sweaty men.
When Bennett runs the wrong route and Brady’s pass gets intercepted, will it still be Cutler’s fault?
This makes too much sense, but I don’t want to watch Obama get shit on by worthless trailer park trash. I’ve dealt with that for 8 fucking years.
The next commissioner should be Obama. He’s always been the Sports President. He’s going to be looking for a do little/great pay position where he gets to be in power but doesn’t have to deal with the fate of the free world.
I think it’d be pretty easy for Colin to avoid seeing his mom in Denver. Just make sure she’s an open receiver, they’ll never connect.
Amaizeing it didn’t get more confrontational.
Remember when Paul O’Neil hit those two home runs for that kid in hospital?
What are the odds that Johnny Damon can read?
To be fair, “50 years” is a pretty inconvenient distance just to get from your car to the gym.
I'm sure all the unemployed people watching ESPN in the middle of the day fell for it too.
There once was a team from Miami