
Not sure if I share your adoration for Meg. You kind of brushed over the fact she is cheating on her boyfriend/fiancé. Hell, you almost seemed to admire her for it. Call me old fashion but I find nothing admirable about what she's doing. Marco seems to be a really decent guy and he even suggested they call it quits,

Good show, but not thrilled that Michelle appears to be heading toward having an affair. If that happens, I hope they are realistic about the tremendous pain that idiocy usually causes. And Brett didn't "almost" see his wife smiling at another guy. He saw her smiling at David and you could tell it hurt him.

Agree totally with you about drew and Natalie. Realistically, you would expect him to go see her one day and she will be in bed with the men's lacrosse team.

Isn't Natalie the one that sleeps with anything that breathes and has a penis? I actually fell for a girl like that once and it was one of the dumbest things I ever did. Luckily, I came to my senses before I married her. No doubt Drew can be irritating as hell sometimes. But OMG, getting romantically involved with a

I completely agree with you. After watching Joel agonize for several episodes now over the emotional affair that Julia had with Ed, can you imagine his reaction to finding out she actually slept with another guy (and how can they possibly have them reconcile with that bombshell laying out there)? If he finds out about

I can't overstate how disappointed I am in this season of Parenthood. The steady deterioration of Joel and Julia's marriage week after week has become really depressing to watch. They both have done so much to destroy their relationship - now Julia seems to be actively looking for a new man in her life - I don't think

I completely agree with your comments. Comparing what happened with Joel and the mom at the playground to Julia and Ed's relationship is kind of ridiculous. And yes, Joel has definitely not been Mr. Perfect in all this, but that does not deminish in the slightest the wrong of what Julia has done. Maybe he will

I don't see how that marriage is going anywhere but down hill. Joel telling Julia the only reason he hadn't left her was because othe kids was a "stick a fork in it" type moment. Really sad. Watching Parenthood now is starting to feel kind of like seeing a train wreck in slow motion.

Joel is a dick? Seriously? He just found out that his wife has been having emotional affair with a guy, that the guy kissed her after she had said nothing had happened and she lied about it being nothing (and left out the part that she kissed him back), that she went to see Ed to tell him they couldn't see each other

Ha! I thought the same thing. And Kristina didn't seem show any physical effects at all from her chemo. She was throwing nothing but strikes!

I agree. It's like he's screwed up because he doesn't enjoy meaningless sex that much and is a one-woman kind of guy. Oh, he's such a loser, right?

Amen to that. This show is becoming so depressing, it's like getting a stick shoved in my eye everytime I watch it. I record the shows and then when I decide I'm already feeling crappy about something, I'll watch an episode.

Who backed away? Are you talking about Julia? Good grief, she's married and she's kissing another man. You don't think she may have been feeling a little guilty about that? I didn't see anything unrealistic about her stopping things before it went any further. .

I'm not that surprised to see Joel apparently lose it in the next episode over his wife's "friendship" with Ed. This has been brewing for awhile. It started with Julia quoting Ed's advice to him more than once and Joel realizing that Julia was conviding in him about some fairly personal matters. What husband wouldn't

True, Joel has not been as compassionate as he has been portrayed in previous seasons. He seems to resent that Julia isn't handling things as well on the home front as he did when he was in her shoes, but I don't think he is allowing enough for the fact that the home situation is much more complicated than when he was

Why? Becuase Joel hit a guy who was definitely putting some serious moves on his wife? First, drummer boy may have been mildly flurting with Amber, but Ed appeared to be doing a full court press on Julia in the scene from the previews. Second, Ryan didn't just deck Amber's hunky drinking buddy. He practically went

Actually, I had just the opposite reaction to that scene. I wanted to stand up and cheer when he punched that SOB. Ed needs to stay the hell away from Julia. Period. She and Joel have a lot of work to do if they are going to save their marriage. No doubt Julia has encouraged the guy, but now it's time for him to walk