
Emmett Till’s mother asked for those photos to be taken so the world could know what happened to her child. This goes beyond white people being “titillated” by dead black bodies. This is about remembering. This image was on the cover of magazines at a time when the men who did this could literally get away with

The things that White women/girls get away with are astounding. No wonder White women are so entitled and oblivious yet they have the gall to complain about sexism but have no problem dishing out racism.

Oof that needed another edit. But geez guy on the rights thighs FTW.

Lettering is an artform.

I hope those fans leaving early had a good Dr. Pepper Championship Drive home.

Anybody that wears a bow tie to a football game deserves to be sad

I think he had an intent.

“we cannot allow items on campus that can be perceived to pose a threat.”

Counterpoint. Go Fuck Yourself.

To those thinking about Pinkham’s Lawing Brett’s story about post-church people hanging out for way too long holding Bible study: don’t. It’s a total asshole move.

Yes. A million times.

I feel compelled to share this bit of wisdom by David Foster Wallace everywhere I read anything about suicide in the hopes that it can help people - even one person - understand. (Kinja screwed up the formatting and won’t let me change it, but I feel like it’s kind of appropriate for the message.)

I remember back in ancient times when Party of Five was on the air, and they did an episode where Neve Campbell’s character, who was graduating from high school, had a friend who killed herself. Everyone was horribly shocked and bewildered, not the least because the friend had just gotten early acceptance to Harvard.

Do you really expect Floridians to understand that dolphins aren’t fish?

No. Stop this right now. There is no excuse for being over the age of 8 and not knowing what Swiss cheese is. That is just straight up stupidity. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Pittsburgh isn’t a country, no matter how much locals think it is.

If you read BCO regularly, you will not only discover that yes, there are people that stupid, but there are other people who will come here and attempt to justify said behavior.

A big quake, tsunami or typhoon hits, these things are your best friends.

I think you missed this part. "The man says he got to thinking, and that he realized that just a few short weeks earlier, he'd gifted the brides-to-be a certificate to the Italian restaurant he works at, and that the ladies had used the whole amount to gorge themselves on giant platters of full-gluten pasta. But

When the bride says that weddings are to make money for the future, that kind of clues one in that the marriage is a sham.