
This is what dementia looks like.

Yes, it’s definitely a pattern.

This is the whole point! On-line sex trafficking just gave them a perfect stalking horse; only pimps and perverts could possibly object.

I don’t like that they are “in curious company: nightmare right-wing troll trio Roger Stone, Milo Yiannopoulos and Chuck C. Johnson” per this article.

Good question. I would think hauling people out of their wheelchairs would qualify as assault, but since it’s the police that did this it won’t matter anyway. It’s not like the police would ever be charged with anything. Ha!

I’m pretty sure there’s no law specifically forbidding pulling someone out of their wheelchair during an arrest. Obviously doing that outside of a context like an arrest would usually constitute assault and/or battery, but that’s true of most methods of arrest. In an arrest it would be a factor in determining whether

It is truly maddening how much energy women have to put into cradling men’s egos. Instead of saying “no” when we are uncomfortable and risking an escalation to violence, we have to come up with clever excuses so he doesn’t interpret it as a reflection of himself. It’s the environment, not that you’re an asshole. It’s

“You’re ‘bout as cute as / An old coupon expired”

Awwww! Rest in peace, you wicked wicked thing! <3 I’d been hanging on year after year hoping the memoir would finally come... but alas. Goddamn, I’d’ve loved alla them juicy details.

If you’re a white person, and you’re not a professor of linguistics giving a seminar on the history of racial epithets to postgrads, stop it. Stop it now. Whatever the situation, even in “irony” [and from your perspective without malice], you’ve radically misjudged the mood. Stop it.

Yes, I always thought there was a lot of overlap between unarmed, non-violent protesters and jihadists who send suicide bombers into crowded markets.

Yep yep. Same reason straight people always want to invade gay spaces, and white people always want to steal black culture. The majority can’t see that they possess the common arena, and so see any attempt to carve out a little breathing room for a disenfranchised group as an attack.

Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.

I have been visited by the angels of joy.

I’m wondering if I met with Sergey Kislyak last year? Because apparently I wouldn’t remember, if I did.

“I can only speak for myself.” “There’s no collusion between—certainly—myself and my campaign but I can only speak for myself...and the Russians...zero,” Trump said in a tone that was both very reassuring and very convincing. “Believe me,” he added, “there’s no collusion. Russia is fine.”

The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

EXACTLY!! You wouldn’t bump the primary ticket holder. People kill me trying to say everything but the truth.