Fiat, always Fiat

It’s all about controlling women, nothing more.

That’s the thing isn’t it? It is psychotic.

This is an outrageous tragedy, but in times like these it’s important to remember that even though the woman who lost her baby and subsequently almost died as a result of these draconian anti-abortion rules, at least the people who this did not affect in the slightest can still go to church every Sunday and preen

The people who think non-viable pregnancies should continue are sick individuals. This is what people mean when they say the cruelty is the point. There is no live baby coming at the end of a non-viable pregnancy. There is no point to it continuing other than torturing the person or killing them. 

“On the other hand, this seems super shady (and un-Canadian).”

Thank you. Republicans have become increasingly in favor of stripping first-amendment rights while screaming "tyranny" at even the most minor regulation of firearms. It's becoming pathological with them.

and the chinese government may collapse if it can’t access more data about montana... 🤯

Its almost like there's an Amendment prior to the 2nd that may be being violated here.

Anything to distract from the real problems the gop is creating.

Can’t give that enough stars!

No state permit is required for the purchase of any rifle, shotgun, or handgun in Montana. Montana amended its law in 2021 to allow permitless concealed carry.”

Yeah I thought I was going crazy and scrolled up and down three times and can’t figure out really what the car looks like in the new design - from the show pictures it looks like any generic car. Maybe Subaru wouldn’t let them do full photos or something?

The choice of photos for this article was atrocious. Who decided on these angles and truncated shots? I still can’t actually tell what this car looks like.

I would love a Juan Pablo Montoya mug with “F***ing Raikkonen” from Spa 2002

I’m shocked, shocked i tell you, that the deadbeat scumbags whose cheaping out on safety caused this crash are now cheaping out on safety in the cleanup. Who could have seen that coming?

There was no good reason to buy it new. There’s even less reason to pay nearly $10,000 for it now.

There’s nothing wrong with Sinéad’s version.

As a teen of the 90s, we staunchly defended this creep’s version of artistry. Just because someone had a violent, Satanic, stage persona did not make him a bad guy. We all felt so cool and grownup that we got this esoteric concept.

There’s nothing “unwitting” about Sting being the face of corporate greed. His songs have been used to sell Lincolns and Jaguars, among other things.

Pass! It’s been in an accident. A pretty bad one, too. Severe enough that it knocked the steering wheel over to the passenger side!