Fiat, always Fiat

He also banned the account that posted the original video of him getting booed at the Chappelle show. He’s such a believer in free speech! /s

Well that’s some shitty news

ROFL - have a star...

I think a LOT more people than any of us knew (or wanted to know, frankly) were waiting for someone to tell them that it was ok to hate and fear and disenfranchise in public the people their families had been teaching them to hate and fear and disenfranchise for generations in private. First Palin and the cursed Tea

“It was the one-oared man!”

Kinda rich for Elon to accuse his employees of being “too bloated”.

Sounds more like a job for Jezza, Hamster, and Slow.

Musk is like that guy at the bar who’s “plan” is to hit on every woman in the place. “All it takes is one to say yes”. Eventually he will score with one woman. Then he will talk about that one conquest and how his plan is genius until you tell him to shut the fuck up.

“...you have my sword.”

There is nothing, nothing, like the smell of an old British car interior. My wife calls it musty, I call it heaven. Old leather and wool and whatever they stuffed the seats with, a little oil and grease from the mechanicals, and I swear you can also smell the hint of early fall leaves, but maybe that is just memories

I love it! It’s what Alfred would drive to the market to fetch groceries for Master Bruce. NP

Or... as a way to get out of the deal. “Welp, I totally was going through with it, but the government stopped me! Oh darn!”

Imagine how much he could increase revenue if he laid off 100% of the staff!!

Musk has said he plans to double revenue at Twitter in just three years while tripling the number of daily users the social media service receives

You know... It’s a common opinion and we all wish some people would just SFTU, but... Look at Elon. The more he talks/writes/communicates, the more is clear to everyone how much of a, ehem, “special” person he is. Let him talk and commit to things he is then forced to go through with. The saying “the fish dies by the

I voted ND. But my reasons are entirely subjective and personal

That’s urine from the last passenger.

That puddle running out from under it in the last picture suggests it may be leaning toward the fiery death.

Now playing

You missed a couple gems named Kaleb and Gerald.  I enjoyed both way more than Clarkson.

i don’t turn on bright lights at night because it fucks up my sleep. i only keep a small red night light at socket level in the bathroom, per huberman’s advice.