Fiat, always Fiat

Ford Cortina, simple but stylish enough to be used on many other cars. 

There are dickheads everywhere. Probably a proud Trump supporter. 

Just more shit ! 

I am so disappointed 

A Porsche 911 Turbo, fast and they handle great! Good luck to anyone trying to catch up to one. 

Thats one fast ICE!!


Or that cool yellow that was late 80's. I love that yellow-creamy! 

A lot of people believe he is smart but things like this prove otherwise.

Woo Hoo! Ohio made it onto the top 12 for something other than a list for shitty places to live.

I bought a new 88 Si to race back in the day. Needless to say it was a car I put a lot of performance and handling upgrades on and enjoyed every minute of owning it. 

You never know, it could be a keeper 😊 or maybe just a POS 😞

Read the ad thoroughly, it was declared a total loss at some point. Hail damage? Def buyer beware! 

To celebrities any news is good news. 

Lightning strikes twice comrades...right, sure. 

NoWayDude, ND forever? 

I don’t know what city you are referring to as the home of Rock and Roll but it's not on the eastern seaboard, it's in Cleveland...fight me Steve! 

The true meaning of shit box, ND all day every day!

I knew Alice in the 70s and off stage he was a true gentleman. Nice guy! 

This guy Manson is a sick asshole!