Ii understand completely what you see in that timeless scooter design. It is beautiful and well proportioned, and my heart goes out to the green one... Most of all!
Ii understand completely what you see in that timeless scooter design. It is beautiful and well proportioned, and my heart goes out to the green one... Most of all!
I was there for all of that stuff and I was not favorably impressed, even as a kid. After every one of these nuclear or whatever powered cars came out back then, it was obvious that it was just marketing bullshit.
You know... I didn’t even finish reading this past the second paragraph. All I want to say now is that automobiles have been my life’s passion... Ya I know... But please here me out!
Ha ha ha
Apparently, but for the sake of science let's now refer to it as her muff.
TVR-I remember falling in love with a Vixen when I was a young man (the 70's as I recall). Beautiful styling and a potent mill built in GB just checks all the right boxes for me.
You’re comparing a TT to a 718? Apparently you’ve never owned or driven either one. A Porsche is in a class all its own, not to put down Audi but they don't hold a candle to any Porsche...and yes I have owned them both. 2 Caymans a 911S and 2 TT's so I know what I'm talking about.
Hmmm 🤔 Omicron?
Awesome Dude!
Imagination: Drone fired pin point missiles like what’s used by our armed forces to take out bad actors but with much smaller payloads. Ya I know.......
How many vehicles do you own?
I own a 2017 Fiat 500e that I bought used, paid $8500 for it and $900 to have it transported from Cali to Ohio. It had 15k on the clock when I bought it, has 25k now. I have spent $0.79 on a brake light bulb since I bought it. I like this little EV very much. An electrician friend of mine got my old garage 240v sytem…
I worked for the company hat made those heaters, little red silicone pads
Ausies dont drink that crap
A few years ago I was in the process of buying a new Forester. I had checked out and driven one that I liked, then sat with the salesman and negotiated the deal, which I verbally approved. Guy comes back with the paperwork all ready and proceeds to ‘’bring the car around’’. While he was out getting the car I started…