Fiat, always Fiat

Fuck trump

Florida man in a costume stealing beer from the local carryout. 

Apparently, but for the sake of science let's now refer to it as her muff. 

TVR-I remember falling in love with a Vixen when I was a young man (the 70's as I recall). Beautiful styling and a potent mill built in GB just checks all the right boxes for me.

You’re comparing a TT to a 718? Apparently you’ve never owned or driven either one. A Porsche is in a class all its own, not to put down Audi but they don't hold a candle to any Porsche...and yes I have owned them both. 2 Caymans a 911S and 2 TT's so I know what I'm talking about.

Wow, so many phone nuts here...I thought I was the last one but apparently not! I just ordered the S22 Ultra for a trial run to see if I like it, if I keep it I will sell my Z fold 3. Yep I’m crazy for phones, and it’s not like I’m young either, I'm not! I just enjoy the latest and (hopefully) greatest. I still own my

Hmmm 🤔 Omicron?

Awesome Dude!

Imagination: Drone fired pin point missiles like what’s used by our armed forces to take out bad actors but with much smaller payloads. Ya I know.......

How many vehicles do you own?

Or a piece of shit put on sideways.




I own a 2017 Fiat 500e that I bought used, paid $8500 for it and $900 to have it transported from Cali to Ohio. It had 15k on the clock when I bought it, has 25k now. I have spent $0.79 on a brake light bulb since I bought it. I like this little EV very much. An electrician friend of mine got my old garage 240v sytem


I worked for the company hat made those heaters, little red silicone pads

Ausies dont drink that crap

A few years ago I was in the process of buying a new Forester. I had checked out and driven one that I liked, then sat with the salesman and negotiated the deal, which I verbally approved. Guy comes back with the paperwork all ready and proceeds to ‘’bring the car around’’. While he was out getting the car I started