
The employee refused to participate in the customer’s sieg heil salute to Herr Trump’s victory, and has been video taped for public ridicule. Your right, none of us need this bullshit, just but the cup of coffee and let the rest of us get on with our day.

No, actually, a couple people just serve coffee for a job, and another person wants to force them to salute Herr Trump’s victory, and video record them for public ridicule if they refuse to cooperate. Figuring out the ass is simple math.

With all due respect to Bryan Menegus, he has missed the point entirely. #trumpcup is not a protest at all. It is a ‘Sieg Heil’ tribute to Herr Trump’s victory. Starbuck’s employees who refuse to participate in the salute will be video recorded for public ridicule. History repeats.