Hmm try harder? I mean I would, but considering my post has 4X the amount of stars as yours, I don’t think I need to.
Hmm try harder? I mean I would, but considering my post has 4X the amount of stars as yours, I don’t think I need to.
Yes, people can’t do anything that makes them happy, because a nut job did something awful! Forced patriotic mourning!
Everything he said here seems intelligent and reflective, so fuck him I guess.
So the tone we’re taking here is, “about time, asshole,” instead of “good on you for reconciling that a man who was once your hero has done things so terrible you can’t enjoy his comedy anymore,” right? Got it.
I’m one of those psychopaths that has the entire Top Gear series, plus all of the specials downloaded. New format Top Gear had a lot to live up to, and it delivered. TGT was just the same tired old format. Nice to see the old chaps at it again, but it was a bit old and dusty.
I’m sure it’s heavy as hell, and they don’t think it’s worth the expense, but I’m surprised Boeing doesn’t put the crabbing system from the B-52 on all its airliners.
Deadspin is coming off like a jealous ex...
It is a variable.
Oh no our love affair with Cam Newton is over.
So, uh, what kind of dummy puts a nonrefundable deposit on ANYTHING?!?!? This clown’s nothing but a charlatan, just another Liz Carmichael.
While the content will take a variety of forms, Kelly says the majority will be video.
The bubble can’t burst fast enough.
More hockey coverage like this this year, please! thanks!
Hockey is back, thank you Jesus.
Counterpoint: New Dominoes is good
One looks like JC Whitney fucked a minivan. The other is an Acura.
“X isn’t really anime” is the kind of statement that doesn’t help anyone. It’s needless hair-splitting at best and gatekeeping at worst.
The chillest song you can do at karaoke and still have the whole room sing along.
To me, this would have more meaning if it weren’t for the publicity he’s looking for before hand.