Bryant Turnage

It's not that they have opinions. It's that thousands of people think they have a right to make demands on how another person - who has already provided them with thousands of pages of enjoyable prose - spends his time.

It's beyond annoying that Martin seemingly can't do *anything* - write a blog post, do an interview, buy groceries - without some jerk commenting on his health, his weight, or just petulantly demanding, "Hurry up and WRITE!" Imagine living with that kind of constant response from so-called fans.

So does this mean they're once again only adding one female character to the "core cast" along with a bunch of new dudes? I'm not surprised, but I am disappointed.

I look forward to the time, likely a few weeks from now, when every possible combination of pop culture elements has been mashed up and we can move forward from this long national nightmare.