
Yes it is an invalid point that can be casually dismissed. The police have stated publicly that they have video proof of the punch, but they offered him a plea deal because it was a first offense. That's why there's no conviction, not because there's doubt that he did it.

His mom was busy?

Does it ever occur to these asshole fathers that the only reason they are afraid of their daughters dating is because they treated women so fucking horribly until they met the one they decided to marry/procreate with? Why doesn't anyone ever discuss the desire to teach their sons how to treat women like human fucking

If he was one of the 24 out of 25, then yep, I don't give two shits about his suffering.

Somebody should've planted weed on her so she'd get like 80 billion consecutive life sentences.

You're one of those customers, aren't you?

They were just preparing for Rob Ford's recent visit.

Yes, I was also shocked to learn that mammals have hair. Shocked.

will this be the first cover that a celeb paid anna to be on?

She was there when I needed her and even when I thought I didn't.

As the daughter of a pretty amazing woman who worked her ass off to better her family and herself, and of a father who supported, encouraged, and obviously believed in my mother, I say a giant FUCK YOU to these assholes!

Wendy Davis, I sincerely hope you destroy Greg Abbott.

Like, annihilate the little fucker.