
Analog dick pics! OMG

The point is that dogs are seen as more deserving protagonists for children’s books than black girls. There’s nothing wrong with reading about dogs (I loooooooove dogs). But there’s a problem when so many authors are seeing them as more relatable than black human girls.

I think she meant it together, like “white boys and their dogs.”

My husband’s not malicious, just has a copious supply of farts on hand at all times, mostly from being lactose-intolerant while being unwilling to eat lactose-free. I’ve learned to always walk ahead of or upwind from him.

The key to crop dusting is to pause for one or two seconds before retreating to safety. Go too fast and your fart cloud is trailing you like a heat seeking missile.

Odd moment of bonding between my gf and I:

Let’s talk about the creep who rummaged through Britney’s trash and the other creep who paid 60 bucks for it.

I think it’s easier for everyone to turn this into a question of whether Joan Jett — a famous person we’ve all heard of — did something ethically/humanly questionable back when she was 16. But what we really need to be focusing on is the grown man and rapist who committed these atrocious acts. Not only did he

Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks

Christ, that’s bad. My aunt’s MIL wore head to toe BLACK (with a lace face cover on her hat) and told everyone that she was in mourning for her only son throughout the wedding. That was fun!

here’s my thing...it’s a poster with the stars of the movie. if she WERE a stunt driver, she wouldn’t be in that poster ANYWAY.

I'm 46 now: finished college at 13, attended USMA at 18, worked on chemical weapons development at 25, developed weapons that would kill you as soon as you could say Jack F... I lived in a foxhole, a trailer, a palace, a barracks, a condo, and an aircraft hangar before I was 30. I eat turds like you for breakfast,

High school class of 92 here and yeah, no. I got into every college I applied to (not Ivy League because I didn't want to go to Ivy League, but good schools like Sarah Lawrence) without that kind of ridiculousness. And I didn't got Exeter, I went to Catholic school in Pittsburgh. I was in the upper third of my class

I am 38 and started college when I was 16, so I am pretty sure I went to college earlier than the author.

I am 32, and went to a fairly large suburban high school in Michigan with a solid middle class background. We had only a handful of AP Classes - math, english, physics. And even then, they were only offered senior year (after the majority of applications were sent out), and even then, we were told that all they

Ehh, I went to a rural Ohio high school that only offered a few AP tests and zero SAT II (which were not even called that back then) tests. We regularly sent people to Harvard and Yale. Also, "4.2" was not a possible GPA to achieve. I'm younger than you.

True story: when I took my AP History exam, a girl I totally had the hots for was sitting behind me. It was a hot late-May day, so I was wearing shorts and sneakers with no socks. Because I was a Very Serious Student, I was hunched over the test, with my legs tucked under the chair. About an hour into the test, I felt

The answer is in the title, he's 38. NOW AP classes are required for a lot of colleges to even look at you, but 20 years ago, they weren't nearly as prevalent.

Well, you know they're not going to be asking about Emmett Till.