
I’m getting a distinct prequel feel from the costuming and especially the speeder designs. And that makes me quite unhappy. The aliens themselves look cool, except for that one with the giant mouth.

“We need Leia to be more cocky”.
Dude, no need to get that literal.

This is early and my opinion is not written in stone... but off the cuff without context or any idea how they’ll appear or be used in the movie, these look down right terrible and comical.

A little too dead-on tux-like to my mind. Kinda breaks the illusion of it being in a galaxy far far away.

If it’s CGI-animated and not animatronic, it still has a practical reference.

It’s a Peni5

It looks like it fits in the Star Wars prequels. They had plenty of stupid vehicle designs on Coruscant. I’m scared.

Those speeders just look like cars. Like, they look like something that could exist on this earth, not like something from the Star Wars universe. And those costumes the humans are wearing look too much like a suit and tie. Way too much Earth going on here.

Oh no... this looks like everything I hated about the designs in the prequels.

this looks more like a doctor who episode than star wars...

How I Met Your Mon-Mothma

Is it just me, or does that one black haired guy in the speeder kinda look like Ted Mosby?