
The obvious? You mean the obvious that a person that has admitted to abusing drugs in the past would have drug residue on her personal items and that airports are definitely going to test for shoot like that if you leave your stuff behind? Or maybe Weinstein put out the message to the metro transit authority to make

So someone called them in January or February to say “get a warrant for this woman” because they knew what would happen late summer or early fall.

Thank you! Should we officially demote IBM to Little Boy Blue?

Thanks so much for the comment, kaizen. It means a great deal to us that we’re able to provide helpful information.

I’d like add what a great job lifehacker has been doing on the coverage. I mentioned this in Kristin’s article but it bears repeating; I feel like I got the best information I could have gotten during this hack and it’s helped me not freak out and instead take proper, timely actions. Also having the information

One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.

Yo quiero chat bots para Android....

It must be hell for him trying to organize his pictures. “This one was taken at some point in the last 40 years, but I have no idea when.”

Oh come on, don’t try to pass off a 2042 pic for a 2024 one...

5. Collect underpants

I’m sorry, lactate and lactic acid are the same thing, in organic chemistry ending something with “-ate” is the same as ending it “-ic acid”. The H+ ion is loosely coupled, and is the part that makes it acidic, but you don’t get one without the other, and they exist in solution. I did a quick google and it looks like

It dies, and something else takes its place.

My favorite Stormtroopers were the two who turned around to avoid Ren’s emo tantrum.

There’s a flaw in the Papa John’s deal. At the end of the process, you’ll have a Papa John’s pizza.

There’s a flaw in the Papa John’s deal. At the end of the process, you’ll have a Papa John’s pizza.

Don’t know if it’s a regional thing or a matter of versions (I’m on Lollipop), but... “We’re sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server.”

The mental image of a raccoon hauling off a 20 lb. partially frozen turkey just gave me all the Christmas/Thanksgiving cheer I needed this year. Thanks! :)

You sounds like a blast.

I have a hobby that involves my hands and my tool...