taking the lesson from the MCU and putting someone creative, who loves this universe, in charge of executing it, particularly the films.
taking the lesson from the MCU and putting someone creative, who loves this universe, in charge of executing it, particularly the films.
lol, Is the “source” Jada? Sure reads that way...
The article mentions she was 6 weeks pregnant at the time. Without doing any research, I am going to assume she didn’t know at the time.
“The woman who wants to penalize old people is not young herself.”
I have no interest in anything Don Lemon has to say as general rule, but I find it fascinating that one side of the isle can say anything, without repercussion, while he is getting ruined for basically saying “she is old”.
“...because he says everything they believe” would be more accurate :D
That is true, but that is kind of my point.
I think you give the vast majority of them too much credit. There will always be some other right-wing pundit to step in and validate their belief system.
It wouldn’t matter.
Wow... how very close minded of you.
The question isn’t why she is with Eric Andre, it should be how in the hell did bear-whatever get her to marry him?
Your different conclusion isn’t necessarily based on another religion. It’s based on YOUR PERSONAL VIEW OF THE SCRIPTURE. The scripture based on your religion that you accept mot other things of and have lived in your whole life.
Because someone said they CAN’T be, even if they identify that way. I think that’s shitty and saying so is something I’ve been doing in various situations for a long time.
I’m not ignoring that the vast majority of Jewish people interpret scripture that way. I’m saying it is irrelevant to the fact that someone raised in the Jewish faith can look at the same scripture and come to a different conclusion without it being invalid for them to say they are a Jew anymore if that’s what they…
I say it because it’s irrelevant to the argument I’m making. The fact that it’s all ultimately personal interpretation is the only thing that is relevant to the actual point I’m making.
But you have done s shit job of following any of this the whole time
“Um, I am not saying you did say that”
And all Jews believe in a messiah.
I say you’re ignoring things, you say it is simply not relevant... pretty much the same concept.
I didn’t. I did not bring up “the defining aspect that Evengelicals share with ALL catholics is the existence of Jesus and the belief that he is the messiah.”” THAT WAS YOU. BE FUCKIGN HONEST.