If that was the case, wouldn’t the story be different? Plates are originally registered to a specific year/make/model. If it was expired plate on a random car, then the story wouldn’t be newsworthy?
If that was the case, wouldn’t the story be different? Plates are originally registered to a specific year/make/model. If it was expired plate on a random car, then the story wouldn’t be newsworthy?
If you believe much of the information out there, she has always been like that.
Nah, they are too stupid for that kind of subtlety.
Ah, gotcha.. I’m following you now. My bad.
They already touched on it, multiverse.
“Her character arc is to realize that revenge is not okay”
The best part of McEnany’s tweet is that she acknowledges that Donald Trumps DC is “the swamp”
The scariest thing to come out of all this is the idea that he wants to start a “news network”.
Someone might need this... courtesy of https://www.vfw.org/
There is also the idea that you can tell the client that it is thin at best with little to no chance at success. They tell you to plow forward and you assume that they will back off after getting their ass handed to them in count... only now you find out that you work for the one guy with no shame.
Oh, I don’t know about that... I would imagine if someone saw Trump supporters ripping up ballots and marking them for trump, they would be totally decked out in MAGA hats, with flags and guns prominently displayed.
No, she doesn’t. She was likely compensated for bringing this to light. This isn’t for the courts, as someone pointed out earlier, you need actual proof, concrete evidence.
This laid it out so well, which is absolutely true as soon as you start talking to any trump supporter.
This is utter bullshit.
Well, based on 10 episodes it appears to be following the single thread and using each episode to squeeze in fan service. SW fandom seems almost infinite in its hunger for anything star wars and Favreau/Filoni seem to have a good handle on how to tell small stories that originate from a single idea.
Isn’t the giant story arc that will take forever the return of the child to its own kind?
So can we throw out all of those california ballots collected by those illegal republican ballot boxes?
Well, in the one clip they did push that black dude and he was having none of it...
At this point and I feel like a dick, but meh. He is generally only killing the people that will vote for him anyway.
I see a lot of comments calling pronouncing someone’s name correctly a basic courtesy or basic form of respect....