
If he was surprised by either, his staff is incompetent.

Sad. The Lakers are an absolute joke, they’re the Miami dolphins of the NBA

Really, the “punch your friend game” has been subverted with racist overtones?

That’s kind of my point. From the way the discussion evolved, he clearly doesn’t agree with what she does and says (or at least how she does her thing). I don’t know if he had any idea that it would get dicey if they broached these topics, but given who McCain is and what she is about, it was bound to come up and she

Math is hard... how do you expect to apply 10% across all of these lunch accounts in a fair and even way?

I’m lucky enough to be in a position to pay for lunch for my kids at school.

So instead of making lunch items in bulk for all students, they are going to presumably incur additional cost and effort with this genius plan?

If you don’t agree with what she says and does, why would you want to help her promote whatever thing you probably don’t agree with?

Generally, when you burn any wood, a toxin known as dioxin is created in the process. Dioxin is carcinogenic and bioaccumulates over time, meaning it will build up in our tissues as you inhale or ingest it.

lower-end device like the Switch

would not be identified to protect his privacy

That’s a bit harsh... oh, there’s “: in there...

No, the original spoiler still happened, but as soon as he puts the spoiler pictures back in place, then the alternate realities “snap” back into place and the real timeline continues

What a dick.

I had no problem with the woman coming together, but it seemed an out of context shoehorn moment that came out of nowhere making it feel out of place.

I haven’t played since the Predator, but i’ll be back in a few days :)

Since there is reference to previous issues with the same shareholder and Fox emailed over a week ago, my guess is the company continued to do nothing.

The the Real Estate guy that became president changed the laws so when he buys up large areas of land in poor areas he can make money?

Kushner emailed Dimitri Simes of CNI, whom he had consulted previously about Russia, and asked, “What is the name of Russian ambassador

What is Bran’s motivation for telling Jon about his parentage in episode one? If he’s so focused on defeating the Night King, why throw this wrench into things by potentially splitting these allies?