This is so horrific. My heart breaks more each day reading these stories.
This is so horrific. My heart breaks more each day reading these stories.
I need a 2nd season of On My Block. That ended had me shook. Everything you said was on point. The show writing was really great and just made the characters and their shenanigans feel so genuine. I cared about each and every character, got slightly annoyed at each and every character, but overall, was rooting for…
I really hope you are joking or trolling because he was NOT Terry Tate, Office Linebacker.
$2K a month isn’t reasonable in SF. $2K a month a steal for a studio in SF. Somewhere closer to $3K for a studio is reasonable. More for a 1 bdrm, etc.
Black woman here and I love Coming to America. I rarely rewatch movies and I can’t count how many times I’ve rewatched it. And I own the DVD.
OK. That’s less disconcerting.
Excuse me... he was banned for 3 years?? Not indefinitely? Nor criminally prosecuted? Or am I missing something?
When did the connotation of puto change from asshole/whore to homosexual/f***t? This is the second time this week I’m seeing that (first being the Mexican soccer team) and I realized I’m really out of the loop with this.
From the picture, it doesn’t look super mayonnaise-y. That might be the reason. I look at it, and I don’t feel instant disgust.
I love well timed loop gifs!
That makes a lot more sense than my globe spinning theory.
It’s very odd. Like some just started spinning a globe and opened a location wherever their finger landed.
Even if they were only in two countries, that would make them international, but, per their website...
Do you happen to be red-headed or have red-heads in your family. They have a certain genetic marker that makes the effects of anesthesia lesser than most people. The way you described your reaction to anesthesia corresponds with a lot of what other red-heads experience.
I live a little less than two hours from the Bay Area, but have friends who live and work there. I saw someone put up a facebook post the other day looking for a taker for a room in a house for $1800. That’s not even a studio. In a studio, at least all the space is your own and not shared.
It’s not the video, but here’s a compilation of quotes from the episode. It’s numbers 20 & 21
I tell everyone who scoffs at me about how Houston is a great city or who gives me a disbelieving side-eye when I say that Houston, a city in Texas, has been named the most diverse city in the county, to watch this episode. The few who have come back to me in awe and a desire to check out the city.
I actually hate the taste of salt added to already prepared foods. If the salt is cooked in and is used to bring out other flavors (which is what it’s supposed to be used for), it’s great. On top of prepared food is just blech and a turnoff to me.
Some people just suffer from headaches and/or migraines and know their triggers. It doesn’t mean that everyone is going to be affected the same way. I know that MSG - in large enough quantities - is one of my triggers. MSG is in a lot of things, and for the most part, it won’t set me off. But when it’s used as a…
InsaneBase was referring to the 1960 original.