Turk Turkleton

So not really “Black Miror”-style, but just anthology-style. I was really worried that he was going to do some futuristic, techy, #MeToo mashup and I wasn’t really here for it. I’m also not sure I’m here for the actual idea, but it’s not as bad as I originally thought.

This woman missed the memo on the misogyny of “box.” Can you enlighten me? (seriously, I’m coming with no snark or sarcasm. I genuinely had no idea there was an issue with that term).

If men made those, I feel bad for any female significant others they have.

Yesss. I’m actually not against gender reveal parties. I think I’m just pro-parties in general. I love people gathering to celebrate happy things. But push presents... No!! Fucking no!! Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time. Your effing baby is your present. You don’t need a diamond necklace as a

First of all.... that doesn’t even look like a vagina. That baker needs to go back to his/her anatomy books!

Solid response. No “I’m sorry you’re offended.” No “she’s lying and looking for a payout.” Just some acknowledgment of responsibility and the openness to fixing.

Please say it again louder for the people in the back!!! I can’t count how many times I’ve had to explain to people that Texas isn’t a monolith. It’s so far from it.

Austin is blue, but I would argue that it isn’t the most liberal city in the state. That’d definitely go to Houston. Austin is also a very particular kind of liberal. Liberal with an asterisk, if you will.

I stay away from most of the MLM stuff, but I have a weakness for the Pure Romance type parties. Granted, I’ve only been to a small handful of them and it was with people that were already more or less friends or at the least acquaintances. I’ve always had fun at those. But the thought of an Arbonne, or MK, or

Hahahaha!!! I’m okay with this version of truths.

Oh, I definitely agree. Educated and intelligent are not equivalent.

The funny thing is, she is actually educated. If I remember from my early RHOA watching days, she was a labor and delivery nurse. She just makes it really, really hard for anyone to believe that she could have any nursing degrees and be trusted doing medical procedures.

Fair point!

Counterpoint - I would move Get Ready, Get Ready higher up, maybe 2nd and move Bunny Hop all the way to the end

Is it because he likes fish sticks?

Yeah, it’s definitely dependent on which letter in STEM. I think The E & M are definitely struggling to get female applicants. I was in a biomedical sciences graduate program and my program definitely had more women than men.* (Not only that, but every place I interviewed had more female interviewees than male.)

I’m sorry, but does that man have camel toe?

I know the bail system needs a complete overhaul, but why is he even allowed bail the 2nd time around when he clearly can’t be trusted out in the world on bail?!?

I know of at least 2 car births. One was my cousin’s 4th child and one was my friend’s 2nd child. None of the above were in the medical field, so fortunately the births were more or less non problematic.