Turk Turkleton

My mom stayed at home for most of my life, and I think it was for the positive for us. She was huge on education, and at least in the elementary years, I learned everything first from her before I learned it from teachers. I learned how to read, add, subtract, multiply, divide, etc from her, so by the time the

The doctor is the one who lied. He lied to the parents that he was going to use a sperm donor that matched the description that the parents desired and used his own instead. You asked downthread whether there is some mutual registry, and no, there’s not. Ancestry has a registry, 23 & Me has a registry, etc, but they

15% used to be the standard. I’m not sure when, but sometime in the last 10 years of so, 20% became the standard. So you’ll still see some people scoffing when someone gives a 15% tip and you’ll hear some people adamantly defending the 15% tip.

I said what I said!

I’m from Texas and moved to California. I was soooo excited to finally try In-N-Out because it’s been so hyped up. That experience must be like when a kid who believes in Santa Clause first finds out he’s not real. In-N-Out is... not good. The burger is pretty bland (though I do appreciate how fresh their toppings

But if we’re talking about why these young rappers need mentors, maybe the case would be further evidence for why he needed a mentor in his past.

XXXtentacion (sp?) also has a case going on. I think that’s par for the course with these new young rappers.

I think we can all agree that Jack Antonoff looks like some combination of famous people, other than himself.

The new union comprises all of the creative staffs at Onion Inc.

That’s a lovely pic of Rick Moranis Fred Armisen, but what does he have to do with this article?

Something’s going on with Kinja right now. If you usually read comments by clicking on “pending,” then you’re only getting the first five comments on a thread, and not the entire thread. If you usually read comments by clicking on “community,” then you get to see a whole thread, but none of the pending comments. So no

Missed that one sentence. Maybe not free, but still cheaper than metal detectors. Thanks for the snarky sarcasm.

Yes, but making the kids (parents) pay for the backpack is cheaper for the school (read: free) than buying metal detectors for every entrance.

I remember after the Columbine shooting, our school district made us wear clear or mesh backpacks and carry IDs everywhere. That lasted for about 1 school year before they realized it was a ridiculous policy that didn’t do anything. That was almost 20 years ago. It didn’t do anything then....

I’m an old and I don’t get snapchat, but I do have an account (with zero friends) just so I can use the filters when I’m with my baby nieces/nephews. Something about a crown of flowers or bunny ears on a toddler is just funny to me. I never post the pics on snapchat though. I just take them and save them to my phone.

33 and until today, only knew her as the silhouette dancing during the theme song. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

He mentions that he did...

I do, but less than I tip if I’m sitting and being waited on at a restaurant. I usually tip take-out about 10%.

They’ve definitely had some derriere work done. That being said, I didn’t realize that Armenians were more bottom-half endowed than most white folks. So.... little column A, little column B.