Turk Turkleton

I have very break-out prone skin. I used to do the oil cleansing method and for like a month or two it was working for me. Then I had a breakout, and the oil cleansing method seemed to make it worse. I think I continued for about two weeks until I switched back to my previous routine and my face was much happier. I

Texan who moved to California here. Tornadoes - whatevs. (I actually like waterspouts because they’re pretty fascinating). But earthquakes, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I haven’t experienced one yet, and I’m terrified for when that finally happens.

This, so much this!! My bf is an avid weed smoker and I’m not really into it. He just doesn’t understand how much the smell takes over while he’s smoking and lingers after. He thinks he’s doing things to make it not smell as strong, but the smell is absolutely always still there.

I’m president of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, however, my large breasted friends have all said that a trip to Intimacy changed their life. They got an accurate measurement (unlike Victoria’s Secret) which was typically wildly different than what they’d been wearing and Intimacy’s bras are actually really good

Counterpoint: I, a woman, would happily enjoy quite a few kitchen appliances and/or kitchen tools as gifts.

Don’t sleep on cheese in ramen. My friend introduced me to that in high school.... Changed my life!!!

Ok, relistened to it as coming from a world-weary woman (even thought I now know it’s actually a group of adolescents) and it grows on me.

I had no idea those were teenage boys singing. I really thought it was a very bored woman. And a Nina Simone version wouldn’t even be a fair contest. Just have that for all the seasons.

Are you talking about the season itself or the theme song? Because I agree with you about the season, but not about the song...

Now playing

Can we talk about the opening them song Way Down in the Hole. How does everyone rank the different seasons’ takes on the song? My ranking:

I’m with you. Despite all the heartbreak that The Wire showed us, somehow I really thought Dukie was going to make it. I don’t know how many tissue I went through when they showed his fate.

Born and raised in Houston and for damn sure claim to be from the South.


That happens to me on Lyft all the time. If I’m riding with someone else, i passive-aggressively start complaining about the music (even if it’s my jam) until the driver puts it back to whatever nonsense was playing before I got in. Don’t profile my music choices!!

Probably why they put a spoiler alert at the beginning of the article...

Because it’s the intention and the indifference. A simple spelling mistake on occasion is an accident. Accidents can be forgiven. Complete disregard and indifference to grammatical rules that you’ve learned is a different story.

The thing is, I actually read literally when I read something, so if it’s incorrect, it actually throws me off. I have to go back and re-read to figure out that the “your” wasn’t actually possessive but in fact “you are.”

RE: #3, I will never not get annoyed at people’s blatant typos. I’ll allow the occasional typo, because shit happens. But it makes my blood boil when I see educated people consistently writing “your” when they mean “you’re.” Same for their/there/they’re, to/too/two, and its/it’s.

I’m more fond of bratwurst myself ;)