Turk Turkleton

Try hot yoga. Skip the meditation. Worksfor me, but like all things, noteverything works for everyone.

Hmmm... I like her tactics.

And the church said... Amen!! 

That’s one of my favorites!

Especially black women!


I’d call it one boot that you can wear two different ways because that far right way is an abomination.

Gotcha. Thanks!

As a non-freckled person, and as a person that generally abhors foundation but realizes that I’m in the minority in that regard, I have a makeup question that I’ve wondered for some time. Does foundation usually cover up freckles and/or are there certain foundations that you’d gravitate to that don’t cover up your

I like these roundups too, and that’s why I miss Tweet Beat. I mostly know my way around Instagram, but Twitter is beyond me. So it was good to have some interesting tweets compiled so I could do all my judging at one time.

As a Houstonian, I appreciate your preferences!!

I think you pretty much understand it!

Black person here, speaking on behalf of myself and of no other black person. I personally think it’s okay to dress as a specific character or person. Dress up in the clothes and accessories that define that character/person without adding skin color changes (makeup, paint, etc.). Where the line is drawn for me is

“37 going on 73" actually sounds like an awesome birthday party full of “zero fucks given” and going to bed before 9pm.

Fun thing I learned a while back. One of my previous bosses had limited hearing and got by reading lips. We had a coworker who had a very strong Chinese accent, most people could understand her just fine, but certain words were a bit difficult to understand. I asked me boss one day if she ever had trouble reading our

Dammit, I’m going to be 34 next year. “34 going on 43" just doesn’t have the same ring to it.