Turk Turkleton

My parents married at 21 and 24 and have been married 40+ years (too lazy to do the actual math). Some people get married young and divorce. Some people get married older and divorce. Some people live all the rest of their years with the person they married, regardless what age they got married. I don’t understand why

I don’t understand what’s happening on the far left and in the middle. There seem to be too many parts and/or the parts in a formation that boggles the mind. Aaaaaaaand, I’ve spent way too much time analyzing this.

Counterpoint: All grits are trash. But I’ll take Cream of wheat, cream of rice, or cornmeal porridge any day!

The initial reason for the whole grey until proven otherwise were those trolly rape pics and videos, which haven’t showed up in years. And yet there are people (like me and I’m assuming you) who have been commenting throughout the years, yet are perpetually stuck in the greys. I don’t have the bandwidth to comment

Not just the order of the responses, but the intro to the poll itself is incredibly biased. “We want to make sure everyone knows how classy she is so here’s this poll to prove it. Tell us how classy she is. Go!”

I don’t really wear foundation, but I’m all the way here for the lipstick and eyeshadow (especially if the eyeshadow actually shows on darker skin!!)

Same. I never understood people who “don’t go at work” or “don’t go in public.” If my body says it’s time to go, I have T minus 5 min to find my way to toilet, and then I’m in and out in probably a minute.

Women characters were more likely to be defined by their marital status than men, less likely to be seen working or at work, and were more likely to have “personal life-oriented” roles like mother or wife

I just moved past “shank him immediately” territory and landed in “if I ever see him, ignore him like he doesn’t exist” territory with the guy who relentlessly cheated on me a decade ago. Ignore him territory* is so much more peaceful. I hope you’re able to join me here one day.

What about the woman who was already planning on getting an abortion, but now her whole livelihood is underwater and she barely has enough money to rebuild her own life for the ground up. You really think it’s in her and the unborn baby’s best interest for her to suddenly change her mind about the abortion now that’s

I don’t know Thunderbird, but Two Buck Chuck always loses (imo)

I already have a Target problem... and a wine problem. I don’t need both! My wallet and my liver can’t handle it

The season hasn’t ended yet. There’s still time for the things you mentioned to follow through.

Flood insurance is mandated in most of Houston as pretty much the entire city is in a floodplain. Where are you getting your information???

It indeed is... more so than those cities/states...

As to point #3, if there are 3 feet of water in the building, it’s likely too flooded outside to drive anywhere. Beyond that, it’s not very easy, convenient, or safe to pack ventilators, wheelchairs, etc in your own personal car and take off. They likely stayed behind for family members to come pick up residents,

Opinions are like assholes...