Turk Turkleton

I focus on drug abuse, specifically cocaine. More broadly, I was generally interested on mental health.

What’s worse about my friend’s situation, is she and I are both PhD neuroscientists. She can tell you six ways from Sunday about how Xanax wasn’t the right way to go (just clearly not in that moment). I typically don’t throw out my PhD card, but I do in the doctor’s office because I notice an immediate shift in the

A while back, my friend went in to get a very obvious concussion checked out. The asshole ER doctor, after basically infantilizing her, sent her home with some Xanax... for an effing concussion. Unfortunately, she was too out of it at the moment to realize how much of a bullshit prescription that was and to give him a

Wasn’t this an episode of Grey’s Anatomy?

How did you get out of the grays? Teach me your ways!!!

Where I live it is as long as you’re a certain percentage in the intersection already. I’m not about to look it up, but my memory recalls it’s something like if you’re 2/3 in the intersection when the light turns red, you’re not running the red. I think this is to account for different yellow light lengths. It’s not

Unless I’m imagining the intersection/crash incorrectly, the question I have is, if Williams did stop before the intersection, wouldn’t the car behind her have crashed into anyway? If she stopped before the intersection, she would have stopped sooner than when she actually did. If the car behind was coming at such a

She has two parts to her blog. The Perez Hilton level marking everything up, and also in depth, educational write ups about architecture (what the different styles are, what are their functions, what makes something a McMansion or McMansion-lite). When you’ve read the educational pieces, the Perez Hilton-style markups

Kaiso salad sounds amazing!

What’s your favorite salad green? I’ve started making a shredded brussel sprout salad, and it’s amazing. I’ve had staunch brussel sprout haters going back for seconds.

I lived in NC for 5 years, and I never could keep track of which one was “byoo-” and which was “bow-”

My caffeine clearly hasn’t kicked in yet. I read the “right hubcap” as the ‘not left hubcap’ rather than the ‘correct hubcap’ and was thoroughly confused as to why a left vs rights hubcap would make a difference.

The side-iest of side-eyes to him.

What other fucking response is he expecting?!?!?!? “I’m indebted to you for your kind words and will do your every command.” Is that along the lines of what he wants?

Good to know. Thanks!

what’s the difference, health-wise for dogs, between cooked and uncooked bone-in meat?

Close, but not quite a circle, because Cosby = black

Did you put your glasses on this morning?

Go to meetup.com and find salsa nights/groups in your city. Any city I move to, and sometimes cities I’m visiting, I check out what they have to offer on meetup. It might not necessarily be the best salsa night the city has to offer, but at least it’s a start. My dancing when from adequate to pretty good (still shy of

“No offense, but....”