Turk Turkleton

Never seen it spelled “wack.” For the last 15-20 years, I and everyone I know have always spelled it “whack.”


That was the part of the story I was waiting to find out and filled with dread that it wasn’t included. That really ought to be the next line in there.

She’ll finally be free!!

I live in a city with a grid. A-Z Streets going east to west and 1-2-3 Streets going north to south. Even when the GPS fails, you should be able to understand what “it’s on 18th St between R and S” means. It’s surprising how many don’t understand that and/or still can’t navigate to said street without the use of

So, basically The Grey meets “Bel Canto”???

Stars for you!!

Shout out to Stacy Adams suits!

Definitely not the nerdish way possible [sic]. The nerdiest way possible would be to do it the way she did it, as a code, where you must know the symbol to unlock the code.

Neither is the dad

This is, I’m assuming, the dad. How in the ever-lasting fuck is he not black? I’m blackity black and that dude is blacker than me.

Appreciate the nerd humor!

Slow clap for you!

I don’t fucking understand how Two Broke Girls is still a thing. It’s sooooo awful!

That’s just what they tell folks.

I had this conversation with my family about South Africa a few years back. They had this America media driven idea of what the entire African continent was like and were convinced that something terrible was going to happen to me if I went out there. I went, loved it, went back, told them all about my experiences.