Turk Turkleton

People are putting Nicole Scherzinger on the worst dressed list and when I saw her outfit, my first thought was “wow, finally one that doesn’t look hideous.” Guess my fashion sense is off.

I hate the phrase “all the hits without the rap.” No other genre gets this treatment. I hate that rap is seen as a blemish. Especially when, on a Top 40s station, the only rap they’re playing is the super mainstream, easily digestible rap.

I don’t understand this ganging up on PsonicPsunspot, At no point did he ever say he was poor or that he thought he was poor. He really only talked about the different spending patterns of the wealthy, a group he seemed to have put he and his family in. The whole prompt for the discussion section was to talk about

It’s not. At all! It’s the “male” version of “Bye Felicia”... which also didn’t start as a meme, but came from the movie Friday. People are stupid. :-/

Why is he trying so hard to return to a place that he’s not wanted!

I do not volunteer as tribute!

So what you’re telling me is that I need to learn a shit ton of new recipes using just oranges and tomatoes??

19 and 21 were both better than 25. I love some Adele, but this was not her best work.

I do too. I just can’t get past that fake belly interview. No baby belly slips down to your knees like that when you stand up.

I read the first book, audiobooked the 2nd, and wikipedia’d the 3rd. I waited until the first movie was out of theaters to watch it, and haven’t paid any attention to any of the following movies. It was all just different levels of bad.

I would have tried for “articulation”

I was wondering about all of the logistics, and noticed some of the inconsistencies (like her hair seemed slightly diff, but I couldn’t really put my finger on how or why) but I didn’t take enough time to really think about how it could all play together. That makes so much sense. Thanks for that explanation.

I don’t know. I have a “normal office” job and I give very few fucks about what others think about how I dress. I live for at the very least a pop of color, if not a full on colorful outfit. And the only reason I don’t wear more Afrocentric pieces is because I need more Afrocentric pieces in my wardrobe. I actually

Same thing happened to me a couple years ago. I don’t really keep too much of value in my car, but they got some old electronics. I guess since my car didn’t provide them with enough stuff worth stealing, they took it out by trashing the car. Having my car broken into, even if they didn’t take anything of value was an

That was my first thought. It was pretty distasteful.

I was a happy, loyal TGIN user for a while, but there was a period a year or two ago that it seemed like their products changed. I don’t know what it was, but they had a different smell and my hair had a slightly different feel to it. I couldn’t tell if I was imagining things or if there was some sort of quality

I think textured hair = natural hair. That’s the way I read it at least. It should work for your 3B/3C hair. And none of the products in the black hair care aisle are a one size fits all, even within a hair curl pattern.