Turk Turkleton

Sometimes the more expensive ones are just the ones that work. I started with Shea Moisture on my natural hair journey, and stuck with it for a while because I didn’t know what to expect. After a bit of trial and error, the best brand for me, my hair, and the way I like it styled is DevaCurl, which tends to be on the

So all those moments when someone is “resisting arrest” when there was no arrest pending in the first place will be charged with a hate crime.... seems legit

As someone who works in a legislative office and gets phone calls, emails, and handwritten (or typed) letters, the physical letters definitely have a bigger impact. I’m much more likely to read those than a boilerplate email, and calls usually don’t get directed to me. They get funneled elsewhere and someone else has

I generally hate spinoffs. They rarely work. Here’s to hoping this one fairs more like A Different World vs the dozens of trash spinoffs to good shows.

I personally dislike Calibri, but I know it’s a go-to for a number of people. I tend to use Palatino Linotype.

Maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No. It was on UPN/CW.

Just a point of clarification, Girlfriends was on UPN (then CW), not BET.

What is that person on?? Maybe I just haven’t scrolled down far enough, but I have yet to see a single joke in the comments.

I mean, you gotta give credit where credit’s due. She’s ever so slightly better than Kristen Stewart.

I’ve had mostly great experiences with Delta, plus when I used to live in Atlanta SkyMiles eye the shit! American though... ughhh. It tends to be the chalet author where I live now and I swear EVERY time I fly with them, there’s a mechanical problem on at least one leg of the trip. It’s always a gamble whether that’s

I was recently on a flight leaving the country and someone did this about 30 seconds after taking off. Like, we were at a 45° or some other step angle. She got one step before stumbling backwards, and I soccer-mom the my arm out to catch her (in hindsight, I’m really glad she didn’t do serious injury to my arm).

It wasn’t pregnancy brain... unless I’m pregnant and didn’t know it.

Those are absolutely photos. And I’m not speaking for Noble Renard, but I didn’t even know there was a video of the event, I’ve only seen the photos, and that was enough for me. So it’s quite possible to see the photos (taken from a camera, used by a photojournalist) and not have seen any video.

I think Lip was the greatest disappointment of the show (I’m caught up on the seasons on Netflix, so, up to 6 I think). They all do one step forward, three steps back, but I feel like Lip took a leap forward and then just sprinted backwards.

Yeah, I could understand Macy getting paid more at the beginning because he was the known name (like O’Neill in Modern Family), but 8 seasons in, she’s much more the main character and carries the show much more than Macy. That should be reflected in pay.

Thanks for that. In all the times I’ve gone there, I never knew this. I’ll definitely be conscious of it going forward though.

Thanks! That was a pretty good overview.