Turk Turkleton

You’re a godsend. It breaks my heart how it seems like the residents at my aunt’s place were an afterthought. I’m just glad there are people looking out for her when my family isn’t there and physically can’t do anything but make calls and push them to act.

Thanks. I hope so too.

Or like my great aunt’s senior living center which isn’t evacuating and only boarded up after multiple complaints.

What the fuck is that?!?! That’s not even so bad it’s good, it’s just plain bad.

Like I said in the original post, I didn’t read the whole article, but the first few paragraphs didn’t do enough to reel me in. I’m certain there was a lot that I was missing throughout the rest of the article. One of the other commenters responded to me with a brief synopsis of their stories and I guess I can see the

That was the summary I needed. Thanks! Maybe I’m just jaded, but I kinda expected them to be some sort of twisted sisters that left a path of dead husbands or something. I don’t know if it’s more or less refreshing that that’s not their story. 

I’ve never heard of them before either. I admit, I didn’t read the whole article, so I clearly missed a lot. But in the few paragraphs that I did read, I did not get the intrigue of these sisters.

I was really hoping to find monogrammed shoelaces, but this is the closest I could find... good enough.

I’m just going to put my headphones on and listen to I Decided on repeat (i.e., the song that made me love Solange’s music).

Just take a seat... or several. Solange may not be your cup of tea, but she works for many, many people.

They clearly don’t care by this point. I’ve seen Jezebel fix typos and mistakes before, and they usually do it pretty quickly after a commenter has pointed it out. Multiple people have pointed out a bunch of mistakes (in addition to the complete confusion of the ‘death drive’ segment) and still no change = they just

Oh gosh, that’s horrible. I hope he’s doing well and/or was diagnosed with something less terrible.

It’s Lewy Body Disease/Dementia (LBD)

Sounds like a homeless person. Limited options...

Oh wow. That sucks. It’s been the better side of a decade for me since I did it and I have some very fine, light colored hair on my legs that aren’t worth the effort of shaving. I also did my pits and each pit has 2-3 resilient little hairs that grow into annoying curly-cues, so I just pluck them whenever I remember

Laser hair removal. Best money I ever spent!

I can’t use dish sponges for that very reason. They don’t get changed out often enough and the mildew smell attacks and attaches to my hands and ughhhhh.... I prefer to use dish cloths which dry out easier and can be washed and reused, so less chance of the mildew.

Those towels needed a good vinegar wash. Over time, too much detergent can build up on the towel (even more so if you use fabric softener) and affects its ability to evaporate when it soaks up water. Washing with vinegar (or even baking soda) every now and then helps.

Here’s an example

Starring only for the lion’s face badassness.