That was so obvious. I don’t know how I missed that!
That was so obvious. I don’t know how I missed that!
Yesss... The dreaded lab flab. Pass.
I just don’t understand how people aren’t camel toeing all over the place with these (I wondered about this in the 80s too, but I don’t think I had the term camel toeing queued up yet). Also, what’s the labia equivalent of nip slip?
Ahhh. I gotcha.
The worst part is, the “gold standard” is a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study... something that essentially would be unethical to perform in this scenario. What he suggested in that blurb wasn’t even a “placebo-controlled” study, but rather an observational study, which definitely isn’t gold standard…
Your school district doesn’t need a grandfather clause. With the law change last year, across the state kids between K and 7 get grandfathered in and kids who already passed their grade 7 shots are also grandfathered in. It’ll be a few years before all the grandfathered children are gone, but you’ll definitely be…
Hahaha. That's amazing!
Aww man, this one made me tear up. I can just picture a sad, lonely, little ginandtonic just wanting to be part of the group again.
Is it just me, or were half the celebrities on the same drugs as Yoko today?
I only learned a few years ago that some people think a shower for babies after #1 is gauche. Baby showers in my family and at least in the Caribbean community are for celebrating the baby, so it’s not limited to the first baby. Maybe you don’t ask for a crib for the 2nd one, but you still have a celebration for the…
Dammit. I haven’t posted today, or the last couple days. I think I missed the ungreying train :(
I’m not sure it’s generally recognized as a slur here. People still often use the phrase “being gypped” and, I think that’s a little more well known as derogatory, but still not widespread knowledge.
Do we have the same immigrant parents, because I grew up thinking he was Snuffleluffagus too! He was also my favorite muppet, so perhaps I should have known his real name, but, nope...
That was an... interesting article. It managed to be at once sincere and mocking.