
Britta for the win!

To be fair to the A.V. Club, they did risk the wrath of their regulars and ranked Breaking Bad at #2 so that they could list Enlightened at #1, and they also gave Orange is the New Black their 'Best New Show,' and put it at #4. (also in their top 15 - New Girl, Girls, Scandal, the Good Wife.)

I would probably have been a lot more inclined to run out and grab the Last of Us if it weren't on the heels of the Walking Dead adventure game - though that game was clearly much more about protection throughout the first season when you were playing Lee and Clementine was your ward, the plan was clearly always to

Scrimps are so delicious! I legitimately can't remember the last time that I said the word shrimp, actually.

I totally wanted to say something along these lines, but I figured that someone with more experience with me ought to get first crack at it, and I knew someone would be in the comments.

From the little tiny bit of effort I put in after reading that, it looks like the Italian Supreme Court simply ordered a retrial rather than completely overturning the conviction. Certainly no better, but I assume that's what the poster in question was trying to say.

Nah, I'm good. I just like to use words to mean what they mean, rather than trying to dilute the word 'slave' in order to make a really stupid point about how it's okay to give money to historical revisionists who try to put a happy face on slavery because someone at the computer factory didn't make enough money.

Oh, also, fuck you for comparing sweatshops to slavery while we're on the topic, because it dilutes the term slave and is basically spitting in the face of the millions of real, actual slaves that exist all over the world right now.

I agree, it's ridiculous to assume that her defense lawyer was trying to defend her.

The little "Hey, there's some small minority that might have decent hearts under all of the bullshit" aside is literally nothing different than you can get from any other bigoted asshole. At least the author didn't try to tell us that some of her best friends are rednecks.

The part of this that makes me feel pretty good about it is that Steve Martin didn't feel the need to do the same kind of shitty dissembling and rambling that most people seem to feel the need to do when they make a joke like this. He realized it right away, deleted the post, and gave out seemingly sincere apologies

You make a solid point of course - I should have said that some jags read the Bible that way, and it's certainly no surprise when someone from that tradition says that sort of thing. But there's no excuse like religious beliefs that makes anyone think something so stupid as "Them black folk sure was happy back before

I'm really sad that the Duck Dynasty dude is still in the news, but if he must be in the news, why isn't anyone talking about the (imo) MUCH more offensive shit that he said about black people? After all, most folks know that Christians find homosexuality to be a sin, but that shit was just terrifyingly unforgivable.

Well, as long as you're a civilian who's profiling kids walking around your neighborhood, that's awesome.

Well, I can't pretend like I wasn't warned.

Yeah, it actually seems like they did a pretty great job with the message, the scansion of the piece notwithstanding. I mean, it's a bit tone deaf, but it's a small-government advertisement. Just being bad at creating ads and being goofily over the top doesn't really bother me all that much as long as they're

This sounds an awful lot like "This thing that we keep doing here at Jez doesn't really exist, so can you stop being mad now? Pretty please?"

I think that the main problem is that the article both implies that any woman who dresses in a similar outfit is a prostitute, and that there's something inherently wrong and shameful with being a prostitute. A pretty big one-two punch for something that had to have an "I'm not racist, but" disclaimer put in front of

The whole "Tintin in the Congo's racist imagery is just like Bratz dolls" part of this piece was a pretty perfect capper on yet another wonderful failure. I really don't enjoy being much of a hater and there's a lot of good stuff that I learn on this site, but Jesus Christ.

Is Big Fun going to be available to perform 'Teenage Suicide?' It just wouldn't be the same without them.