In regards to making videos he doesn’t want to make, he comes off incredibly entitled. No one anywhere ever can always do something they want to be doing at all times, least of all when doing it for money.
In regards to making videos he doesn’t want to make, he comes off incredibly entitled. No one anywhere ever can always do something they want to be doing at all times, least of all when doing it for money.
If you see how they reaced (no pun intended) in the past to Ellen Degeneres doing something remotely similar on her show, it becomes very clear that their intentions weren’t good at all.
People say things like “hates gonna hate” or “ they are just jealous of him” or something stupid about him being “famous”. What if people just dont like him because hes annoying? Its pretty simple. I dont care for him and I find him annoying, although im not going to take time out of my day to go on his page and talk…
Money talks. If more people were willing to stop supporting bad companies, or their poor decisions, and taking their money elsewhere things would change.
I'm surprised I had to scroll down this far to see someone point this out. Yeah, that's theft.
“Claps back” Really? Really??? Slang terminology for someone being shot to death in the street is now being used for some rich-fron-Youtube dude who isn’t affected in the slightest by some anonymous assholes?
Kotaku didn’t get a review copy, because they’ve pissed off a ton of major publishers. Basically they bit the hand the fed them, and now their readership is missing out because of it.
Yuck, to have million$ and being a public figure?
I understand how he feels but to be honest, if you’re being paid to do something like this then your audience aren’tt just your friends, they’re your life blood.
How about we stop with these “pewdiepew does...” articles, eh? Who wants to know this? Who?
No idea who this guy is, but Kotaku, where are the game reviews??? You keep on feeding us futilities around youtube guys doing this or that, or some obscure things about games nobody really cares about. In the meantime, X-Com 2 has been reviewed all over the place. What’s up?
Honestly, and this might seem a bit shitty of me, but I don’t have a massive amount of sympathy for someone not being happy they’re getting paid millions for playing games he doesn’t want to play. If lifes too short for him to be playing games he doesn’t want to play i’d say he’s got it pretty good.
Yeah I really don’t get what the big deal with this guy is.
jesus christ dude ... yeah ok, we get. the internet has trolls and some of those trolls hate you ... get over it already. this is like the 5th or 6th time he’s bitching about it ...
Because if he gets paid for putting his diarrhea-videos online, why don’t we all get paid for having diarrhea?
I started watching PewDiePie when he first flared up and quit after the 700th time he said “rape.” Guy used to use it as his go-to word for everything. I don’t care if he doesn’t anymore. Still creepy.
I don’t understand why successful youtubers seem to complain so much about comments all the time. Just ignore them....Like, you;re rich as fuck, who cares?
Here’s the thing with PewDiePie - he spent the vast majority of his “career” pissing off people and appealing to a crowd of juveniles.