Wow, this is a long comment for something a poster claims not to care about.
Wow, this is a long comment for something a poster claims not to care about.
Maybe the papers could reapply the delivery funds to advertising termibals with a stack of prints and free service screens, could generate funds by placing the ads from local businesses. This is one thing fewer and fewer want to waste paper on
Graveyard keeper
Wasnt the switch already hacked on a hardware level (meaning all existing switches can be hacked into regardless of the software changes)?
You can load the data to a Gmail drive for free, well you could if Nintendo allowed the user access to a back up file.
Actually, USB sticks, just like the condom your dad should have worn, are often free. And if you already have one, the reuse of it is also free, unless you annually count the penny - probably more then your father paid your mum- for the electricity used by the small drive.
Yeah, you didn’t make a point, at least not to any sane reader, but good luck with whatever imagined game you have going in you head - xoxo
Those OBD2 scanners have been touch and go for me, I have bought 3, they see mto work for a week, then become spotty and then die. They were all different brands, but looked like they had the same components. Now the common denominator could be some issue with my car, but it seems like if that was the case, none would…
Those OBD2 scanners have been touch and go for me, I have bought 3, they see mto work for a week, then become spotty…
Salary negation has been show to favor men. Whether it be men being more comfortable asking for more, or women who ask for more being treated unfavorably (likely some combination of the two).
This isn’t about the center of average. But the numbers of significant exceptions in two different groups.
Who said “the average woman is dumb” or “every woman is dumb.” I beleive even the memo said that men simply skew further from the average (meaning as a group same average, but different total range). Feel free to quote the part I apparently missed.
IQ is a factor, but one of many. IQ is an indicator. There are several examples of (arguably self made) billionaires who did not graduate college, and yet collage degrees are still valued by companies as an indicator of potential success.
The memo written by “one guy” (if you actually read it, without a pre existing conclusion) is a far smaller issue then a class action lawsuit by dozens of women.
Please do share, how exactly did the last administration handle things differently? Do you actually know?
That belief has a name, it’s called confirmation bias.
Who, exactly were the ambassadors that Obama made an exception for?
There should be a big issue if tickets tend to trend with a spike at the end of the month, or right before tallies are set for review. Since such behaviour would strongly suggest one party was attempting to game, or disguise either a broken system, or bad performance.
Well that’s just sexist (for all you know they have no penis). ;)
Nah dawg, pc is a different species, of course only the most insecure of gods feels the need to brag to mere men.
Do you dislike the approach above when it is someone you don’t like or agree with, or only women / Emma Watson?