
@bodar: Just had roaming 3G on Verizons network with my Evo last weekend whilst up at the cabin out in the boonies where VZW is the only coverage. Was able to one touch root my Evo with unrEVOked, turn it into a hotspot, connect my laptop, fix a terminal server farm load balancer issue and negate the need to drive 2

@Nitesh Singh: Yes, their margins are huge, but the roller coaster nature of the semi conductor business dictates that they get as much cash as possible for their "latest and greatest". I worked for a company called Photronics that produces the reticles (think film negative for the lithography process used when

@TuxRug: I just ordered a new IBM x3850M5 with the Xeon eight core procs for VMWare... How about 32 cores?


So, how do the dudes from Disaster Area get their ship to crash into the sun for their performances?

@dc-united: 2 is 100 percent more than 1. Yep, math checks out!

@ElizaGray: Sprint has a roaming agreement with Verizon, so it's win/win.

@hawkeye18: Zing! Can't spell WIMP without MP!!! And without me, it would just be aweso!!!

@prupert: Yes, format, and install WinSeven. Your welcome.

@dboudwin: English (redneck dialect), and a smattering of German, Russian, Spanish, Pashto and Arabic. I have access to an unlimited amount of Rosetta Stone sessions (AKO), so I have started a whole bunch...

@hawkeye18: Then again, some of the MPs we had guarding the tunnel back in the day, you could have stolen their chair out from under them while they were sleeping...

@hawkeye18: But, then we wouldn't have the whole "Loaded up two semis for 9 hours without any intervention issue" now would we?

@xaronax: I was thinking the same thing, only the CAA version...

@hawkeye18: Now, if they had stolen computers from a SCIF, then I would be impressed...

@jeff181995: While I don't agree with your position sir, I'll fight to the death to defend your right to post it...

@SEDAGIVE?!: I agree with KM v2.1.1, apps were good on Web OS, just not enough user base to attract developers. If I want to make money, I don't pitch my wares to a tiny market, I go for the biggest, iOS and Droid...

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: There was some decent apps in the app catalog for Palm, just not attractive enough to develop for a smaller crowd.

@jeff181995: It's not bad at all, and all that glorious screen real estate is worth any "inconvenience" real or perceived. I went from a tiny little Pre to a 'monstrous' Evo, and haven't had a single regret. The form factor is not THAT much bigger than a Nexus One...