
@Lizard_King: Dude, I thought the Pre was the end all be all for smart phones. I picked up an Evo Friday morning, and once you get ahold of one, it completely blows the Pre away. Yeah, it's big, but it is not unmanageable, and the Droid marketplace absolutely kills the Pre catalog

@Gigglebox: I concur, the Google Goggles thing is awesome. The missus and I were screwing around with it at the RAM friday night, and it was picking up all sorts of stuff, and was probably 85 percent accurate.

@gizface: I haven't had any battery life problems with the Evo so far, makes it to the end of the day, but I am pretty religious about charging it nightly.

Thats mostly because they only had like 15 Palm Pres available on launch day. After that Palm launch nightmare, I say Bravo to Sprint, and the Evo has surpassed my Pre functionality after about 3 minutes in the droid marketplace.

@Alluvian: Beat me to it... I can see coming home to a hundred pages of V!@6R@ ads...

Ugh, had a US Bank account until they totally effed me over when my debit card was compromised last time I was in Iraq. Took 15 months to get everything straightened out. I've been a USAA member since I went in the military 18 years ago, and they are the best. Wasn't until the internet access got better in early

@mr_martin: We used to use baby wipes in the field when I was on active duty in the Army. You can pick those up in bulk for fairly cheap, and they have unscented ones.

@ellistyle: Are you running the MS driver or the manufacturer's driver for the NIC? What OS are you running? I'd ensure the right driver is installed, and it's from the manufacturer first and foremost, as I have seen MS and their driver updates especially for networking kill performance or functionality altogether.

@Krobar: Do you have any kind of media player running? Or it's associated service? Sharing out the folder those files are in? These can "lock" these files so they can't be deleted.

I work for the fed, and we have a pre-approved 2 day a week plan for telecommuting. Now that the triplets are in daycare since momma found a new job, I can actually start doing just that...

When I lived in Hawaii for three years, the Samoans told me the best way was to take as hot a shower as you could stand to open the pores up and release all the heat... I think they just told me and giggled as the stupid Haoli tortured himself...

The newer HMMWV with the turbocharged engine and upgraded suspension handle the up armor better, but they still suck. I had one for two of the last six months of my last tour, but got the front end cut off by an EFP that went off a few feet early. Got an MRAP after that, much better, but they say sucks for

Rubbin's racin' Harry...

@Stephen.Lecheler: Going to try Smash Burger that opened here in Boise recently for the bi-weekly IT nerd lunch.