
... Jenkins?


luckily, he can't demonstrate his stupidity with a hot sausage in his mouth.

salty foods are bad for the heart.

... needs more nekid people.

.... el pollo loco


... next up: AMD vs Intel. Nvidia vs ATI/AMD. #sausagefest_swordfighting

... he should have gone with a dual (or duel) boot.

... she said

.... reminds me of the tacky glue on shit some people buy at auto zone.

.. it moved.


at least a couple lives of the south african workers who dug it up.

... looks like the front door some urban outfitters have with the sandwiched cracked glass.

... I showed her my python, and she was immediately attracted.

I pitched a tent.

... I have a lot more trust for a politician who doesn't stretch the truth or lie..

... someone forgot to carry the one when doing the calculations for that jump.