Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

So ornery... 

retirement or not can the people in the Cadillac sue the police officer? It probably wont go far but I was just wondering if that is a potential course of action since retirement stopped all disciplinary actions. 

From the article:

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He knew that once he retires he won’t able to pit maneuver other drivers freely anymore.

First of all, huh?

CCW is not the answer to everything, with this guy the women had the perfect self defense weapon; their bumper

So this guy could get out and shoot people instead of just hitting their cars with a pipe?

1938 Buick Y-Job. Considered by many to be the first ‘concept car.’

Corvette CERV III

Thanks for your perspective on this. Merely reading the text of this story on Jalopnik, my first impression was “this is yet another example of corruption and police brutality”. Your added context completely changed that though.

A lot of people seem to be hanging onto that statement. If I could clarify I would say no sane and reasonable person wants to take a life. There are tolls to pay even if you are completely justified. Police DO take lives in ways that are absolutely infuriating, I only mean to say that I feel for officers who are asked

I’m extremely ACAB, but if police body cam footage shows this guy had unholstered a gun, I have to wonder what he expected was going to happen.

Let’s be honest here, having gone down the Sovereign Citizen rabbit hole, this kid’s future was likely limited already.

Sounds like you’re someone who understands that with every right comes the responsibility to exercise it at appropriate times in appropriate places.  Thank you.

I wish all gun owners had the same attitude as you. 

I’ve read about efforts to educate Canadian judges/magistrates and court workers on SovCit pseudolaw BS because they all use the same handful of gambits they got from a book. I guess there’s even pamphlets to hand SovCits that say, “yes, we already know about this, and it doesn’t work.”

“An armed society is a polite society.” He was impolite.

Lets make sure to cover the rest of the story from the trib

I’ve got a friend who was a County Patrol Officer in rural Alberta. He said every traffic stop was terrifying because there was a solid chance you were pulling over a “Freeman of the Land.” These are Canada’s version of Sovereign Citizens.