Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

That was my first thought, too. The fact that the cops blatantly lied about this shooting is somehow a footnote in many of these conversations.

Even if he had a knife, I would think it would be difficult to legitimately fear for your life given the whole car window being in the way and all.

The degree to which society has normalized the “well, the cops obviously lied about the shooting, but it’s not that big a deal, let’s focus on what happened here” attitude is really amazing.

That was an execution.

Murder. Straight up.

lunged at the officer with a knife, not just had one. Which still... did not happen

Biggest gang in the country strikes again.

JFC, man. Aside from “I was scared for my life”, what about your damn partner?

Well, that dude telling him to stop on the tape can kiss his career goodbye, cops hate other cops who tell them to obey the law.

he instead produced a weapon and pointed it at an armed police officer

So the cops told the public the suspect was outside the car and had a knife and then was shot?

Can’t really see the guys other hand but it doesn’t look like he even moved before the cop started shooting.

It’s almost like they choose to ignore the entire human history of paid labor that says ownership will always sacrifice public interest in order to make more money personally.

Anti-government conservatives have successfully pushed for industry self regulation for decades and so we get what we get.

I’ve watched with amusement at these flippers lately, not just the 300C but all sorts. I will watch almost any auction on BaT and Cars&Bids for these new cars with 90-200 miles on them trying to flip. 300Cs. Broncos. TRX. Raptors. Within the last year, with few exceptions.... the final bid on most of them have failed

Dude, you would have to keep this thing like 50 years to maybe make money on it. I feel a little sorry for people who buy things like this thinking they are “investments”, but come on, it is a Chrysler 300, not a Porsche GT3. How many of the Last Call Charger/Challenger models are going to meet the same fate? Socked

2. Why a fuel pump?

That depends on the colour of hydrogen. No, not the actual colour, since it’s a colourless gas, but it’s source.

Chevy Volt. The way GM talked it up you’d think Elon was their CEO. They made claims that you could drive it home, and then plug it in to your house and it would power your whole home.

Excepting partnering them with Subaru for the 9-2x, that was pretty alright