Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

While I’m not surprised, it still sucks. This is my favourite Mini in their lineup, and I very nearly bought one a couple years ago. Which maybe is the problem. Too many almost purchases and not enough actual purchases.

Oh yeah, “product guys” always start by laying off engineers. Also a great way to improve quality. Sure.

because there’s too many execs making decisions because they can, without having an understanding of why, and just telling the engineers to do it anyways. See also Developers vs Publishers for videogames. 

Here’s a concept, Produce more vehicles. Seeing a headline like “next year’s car is already sold out” is a good indicator that you maybe aren’t making enough product.

the strength of our products and revenue has masked this dysfunctionality for a long time.

Welp that’s a mistake. the ONE THING you don’t want to do is piss off engineers when the real issue is likely mismanagement.

Maybe the problem isn’t having too many engineers, but having too many executives with unrealistic ideas about their ability to predict the future.

The problem probably isn’t the engineers, but rather all of the different management teams who give the engineers ridiculous, conflicting directions and requirements.

It is merely one of the factors. Batteries don’t charge themselves, and the power grids in most countries aren’t exactly ‘green’. So energy efficiency is also important for EVs, not just because of range/costs but also for the environmental/climatic impact.

I wonder what the goldilocks zone is at for range vs. people forgetting to charge it because they thought they had plenty of range left?

Hyundai better make that fucking beauty.

I mean, Elon aside, their lineup is starting to feel stale, there’s very little development happening that I can tell. No announcements of new models or model updates, Obvious issues getting around production hurdles, meanwhile, manufacturers are beginning to release actual interesting BEVs that people might be more

This new Prius, the GR Corolla, that fantastic n/a V8.

I think liking the post obliterates the claim that they were not aware the truck was offered as a prize.  Their plausible deniability is no longer plausible.

In this case, it tends to reinforce the notion of deliberate bad faith

Well, it shows that they were aware of what’s going on.  Can’t claim you didn’t know what was going on if you like the post.

Toyota is smart enough to realize this. The Rav4 Prime is so popular there’s a two year wait list, and I’ve heard rumors that the next Prius Prime is going to have a 60 mile electric-only range.

The Chevy Volt, or at very least the Voltec powertrain that could have been dropped into another car (small crossover?) It just works so well.

The Honda CR-Z had so much promise. While I understand it must have been impossible to continue justifying a compact 2-seat hybrid sport coupe, the idea of an affordable, hybrid sporty car was unique and very forward-looking at the time (2010).  The death of the CR-Z was a missed early opportunity for Honda to embrace

The Chevy SS. Nice sized sedan, comfortable, LS V8 power, RWD. If it had been a wagon, it would have been the perfect Jalop car. Now that I think about it, just bring back all the Holdens.