Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

And how many of these T’s are going to end up over-spec’d? Pretty sure I’ve seen several garbage “black/black/black/black aero package, standard Bose” T and GTS the past few years. Good grief I hate those.

Also if you think scoring a 911 T allocation is going to be easy....I’ve got some bad news for you.  According to the Porsche contacts I have spoken to “base” 911s are 18-24 month wait and typically command at least 15-20k over MSRP...also with some dealers if a customer comes in with a 911 to trade they move to the


The same strategy definitely helped Lexus with the LFA, and countless others. It’s good to let the engineers and designers call the shots every now and then.

GM isn’t trying to make a profit from this. It’s simply meant to get people to perceive Cadillac in a better light and for GM to flex their skills. You can’t put a price on a good reputation (well, I guess north of $300k)

Chrysler TC by Maserati... but don’t dare tell owners it’s a LeBaron!

Counterpoint: The 9-7X isn’t the worst Saab, it’s the best Trailblazer.

The question was for the worst badgineering.  The 9-2x was awesome.

For me, this ALWAYS comes to mind when talking about badge engineering:

I mean, did it get worse than this?

I mean, yeah, but cars that have a little extra ground clearance and AWD are great. No, the city doesn’t plow my alley, why do you ask?

“...also came with smaller 18-inch wheels compared to the rest of the lineup”

Seems to be the way GM is going with it.  Chevy will get the base work truck version, while GMC stays higher trim.  I think it’s a good way to go.  There was too much overlap with the previous gen for the sake of a nameplate.   GMC has always targeted the more premium offerings anyways.

Also, you don't, in fact, have to buy the fully optioned, halo model. 

Before everyone starts bitching about a $60,000 midsize (fully loaded) truck, keep in mind the full size equivalent is $20,000 more.

THIS. Why fight the sun when you can grow a tiny little carbon scrubber that likes the sun and protects your home from solar radiation?

Make those shade structures trellises with plants to address both issues.

Of course, they might be selling at a near loss and just running out production for another year or so. 

Considering that petroleum fuelled vehicles are basically always on fire (there were over 200,000 car fires in the USA in 2018), the couple dozen Bolt fires are being blown WAY out of proportion.

It’s pretty incredible that they can sell an EV with 260-ish miles of range for that price. This is barely over half the price of the average new car, for a perfectly competent vehicle with better range than basically every EV in history up until a little over a decade ago.