Carbon Fiber Sasquatch


The EV credit is either intentionally discriminatory or written by blissfully ignorant politicians full of good intentions.

shitty for the corporate overlords, yes. shitty for regular people that are trying to get by in america, no. the greatest con in modern american political history is the GOP convincing their base that unions are the gateway to communism and ‘MERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem with tax credits is that it excludes working class households and benefits the upper-middle class and rich. If you dont have enough tax liability, you can make the credit a million dollars and it wouldn’t make any difference. Most blue collar workers wont have more than $500 of liability, if any. The

Eh, the thinking is surely to incentivize jobs that offer a higher standard of living. Tesla can unionize and it all goes away. If tax dollars aren’t spent prioritizing people’s lives over a billionaires bottom line then what are we doing here. I think paying a higher subsidy to companies that pay a prevailing wage is

It does a lot for the segment of the population who buys new cars. 

I’m fine with the idea of a price cap, people buying a $55k+ vehicle don’t need a tax credit. Why differentiate by type of vehicle?

Yes, oh Lord above yes. To be clear though, the new RWD 2 series ain’t exactly a looker though. And I haven’t driven either of the 2 series from BMW because I wouldn’t buy either one of them but for differing reasons.

New WRX though? I might have to pick one up once my kids are out of car seats.

Subaru has not been able to build enough cars to keep up with demand for years, they’ll just have to get back with your later.

People said the current car looked dog ugly when it was revealed also.

Here’s a quick edit with body-color trim

I absolutely adore this car. In general I hate black plastic cladding but here it works and I really, really think they knocked it out of the park. It’s a better 2 series for people who aren’t up their own ass.

It’s actually the layout of the motor and drivetrain on Subaru cars that make the front end so long. When pedestrian crash standards came out, the noses got taller, and the hoods higher, but the length was similar to before.

Okay I actually hate the cladding. It’d bad enough on a crossover but now it’s literally holding the car back with complicated fluff.

Your computer doesn’t have Google?

They need to sell the Puma here.

as i’ve said before, until vast swaths of this country stop taking pride in being uneducated idiots, we’re all in trouble.

The Buy an F150 vehicle and get a Kia Rio for $1

Such fragile masculinity on 4 wheels. I bet the owners of those trucks couldn’t define “consent”in a “dating situation” if their lives depended on it.

Yes, her name is Lyn and it’s been a long time coming.