Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

The second generation Toyota Prius.

Believe it or not? The Chevy Spark. Me and my brother rented one two months ago on a road trip. The thing is TINY. A real throwback to the 80's when some econo cars were really.... Econo cars. And it was actually sort of fun to drive. We were also getting close to 40MPG on the freeway, it had all of the electronic

But that less maintenance comes at a HUGE up front premium for the battery.

Look up Bradford Galt and tell me again if this asshat is arguing in good faith.

My point was that brake pads last twice as long in EVs and that they have significantly smaller maintenance costs - hence why the cost of ownership of a Model 3 is less than a Honda Accord. If you can live with the range issues (which is a big “if”, I recognize), it is well known that the TCO on a BEV is less than ICE

“The only thing a BEV lacks from an ICE vehicle is the engine itself.”

Agreed. I think we’re entering the next EV stage where visual appeal more than aerodynamic efficiency is going to be the design language of choice. Remember, its taken over 100 years of design and manufacturing to have the vast variety of vehicle configurations we see on the road so its only fair to think that it’ll

1/28th of our total debt is in Chinese hands, the majority of it in long term bonds based on their faith in the US to pay them off...they have little to do with the discussion (as does “money printers”); the Treasuries market is not thin air and is based on the US economy being robust and long lasting and that we are

Government subsidies paid for the initial US highway system and paid to electrify rural areas. There are some changes that are not going to happen if they depend on the network effect to become useful when there is no network of them.

Not to mention electricity producers

For someone who is banging on with a libertarian bent, you don’t seem to understand how oligopolies work. The auto industry as a whole is not at the level of competition to drive down costs or create compelling products not due to government but due to a limited number of actors in the marketplace. You should welcome

It comes from the money printer and loans from China, which is somehow worse than thin air.”

That’s not how fiat currency works but ok.

BEVs are significantly cheaper at scale and less complicated than ICE with less service over the life of the vehicle; beyond that, there isn’t enough used vehicles in the pipeline to know impact. Your premise that it will be used to force people off the road is just conspiracy theory nonsense.

The rest of your

hyperbole much!??!?  Re-arrange my life?  I do plug it in at home which isn’t really impacting my life.  A lot less than having to go to the damn gas station twice a week and pump noxious chemicals.  Can all you Ayn Rand acolytes just go ahead and go Galt instead of just threatening to all the time???

This completely ignores current fossil fuel subsidies, not to mention historical land redistribution and current rules around oil and gas leases.

What the hell are you even talking about? Nothing like that is happening.

gov’t subsidies aren’t a good idea long term? shit. well, someone better tell the oil and farming industries their free ride is up.

Americans still aren’t buying all that many EVs, and I have a pretty good idea why.


Want to encourage more people to stop buying big, inefficient trucks? Make EVs look more attractive?