Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

Yeah, there’s no way they could secretly embed small cameras in the front grill, side pillar, at the edge of the roof lining or other spots- run the wiring to a hard drive somewhere in the trunk.

I’m gonna let you finish, but how much do civil suits cost the city for cops shooting first? $100 grand is literal chump change. The difference is the money comes from the cop budget and equals about one officer for a year, and the civil liability comes from the city (taxpayers) and costs way fucking more than that.

When performance cars are outlawed only outlaws will have performance cars,

“Chief White also said these performance cars should arguably not be street legal, nor in the hands of anyone for that matter.”

We all know exactly why there aren’t more cameras on cop cars, and it’s the exact same reason bodycams are conveniently off whenever cops shoot another unarmed black kid.

He went on to say he’d “love to see auto manufacturers take some responsibility,” regarding the misuse of performance cars”

And mandate that in the event of misbehavior, the pilot must return to the airport of origin to disembark the passenger to the local cops there.

His cult members will call it a conspiracy anyway.

His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie

Lets be accurate..

Why would any of us be shocked by this? I mean there are Fox News viewers that think Obama was in office when 9/11 happened. Pretty soon they will be telling themselves that Covid happened under Barack and that Hillary’s emails had notes on where to release the virus from the Wuhan lab. I mean why would any of you

I find it utterly amazing that this imbecile still has a platform.  Yes, I know its Fox and yes I know it is the GOP.  Hell, it was stated that the GOP still considers Trump the head of the party.  It speaks volumes that the GOP is so desperate to stay in power that they will embrace a fool just to keep it.  

These don’t bother me because it’s clear that the color mismatches were intentional. It’s kind of like getting all of the answers wrong on a multiple choice test - you had to know at least most of the right answers because even a random guess would result in a right answer every one question out of however many

This is why the US government worked so hard 40 years ago to devaule education, just so they could sell useless trash to the people who couldn’t see why any of the claims wouldn’t work, and even if the underlying idea of storing extra electricity were what this did, it would only save a trifling amount of fuel used to

My car has two 12V ports so I just put in an order for two of these. When I get 4182 miles on the next tank of gas it will be amazing!  

Product sponsored by GOP, order now and you get a free Trump Card.

1) ah, that explains so much.

I have no idea what alien species of mathematics you are using, but the dataviz above does in fact show that covid is dozens of times deadlier than chickenpox. It’s a shitty graphic, so it’s hard to tell exactly how much deadlier. 63 times sounds right to me.