Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

Agreed. I share Mercedes’ love for small quirky cars but they really don’t have much of a point. Street parking is really the only advantage. I will say there’s a guy who works in my neighborhood for whom the IQ is perfect; he’s a handyman or carpenter and parking is always tough in my neighborhood but he always finds

There is pretty much no use case in the US where a Fit wasn’t a better answer than the iQ was.

That’s always the issue. Why would anyone get this when a Civic/Golf won’t have all the compromises? 

I saw someone on Twitter say this, but: If you accuse a corporation of breach of contract, and that corporation responds by immediately referencing COVID, that corporation 100% breached that contract.

Time for a reboot.

I was going to say “meh” until I saw it was a two door.

You really couldn't be more wrong on basically all fronts there buddy.

People like sports. It’s even important to some people. Most of the teams have individual principal owners and don’t randomly move around. The exceptions, especially when teams move are a big deal when they happen. The team was founded in Cleveland over 100 years ago. 

I had a similar journey, initially disappointed that the powers-that-be didn’t go with “The Spiders,” after the 19th century Cleveland professional baseball team.”

That bridge basically separated my high school from that part of Downtown Cleveland. On various occasions in high school, I would walk across that bridge. I was always in awe of those guardians. This was a meaningful name choice.

Tangential: all window switches are now of the “push for down, pull for up” so that people can’t accidentally raise the windows by bumping with their elbow or something. It’s a safety feature mandated by NHTSA after several people go their limbs/necks caught in the window. Also, any auto-up windows need to be able to

There’s only one Lumina in the world I’d consider to be worth that amount of dosh and it’s this one.

Needs an appropriate hairstyle.

It was the SAMUEL Lincoln house that was hit. It is the Samuel Lincoln house at 182 North St. It certainly can seem confusing, but it’s not Mr. Hodge who is wrong.

Ship of Theseus I guess. Still though, it’s in the original location and the foundations are more than likely original.

To be fair, the story mentions that the house was built by Samuel Lincoln, not Benjamin Lincoln. And if you zoom into the plaque on the left side of the front of the house, it mentions Samuel Lincoln.

That’s the Samuel Lincoln Cottage.  The reporting is correct.

None of those people are car enthusiasts.

“We never did find out why He-Man doesn’t wear pants.”

That’s fine if you don’t get the appeal. I feel like I am starting to outgrow content that is so painfully self-aware for the purpose of trying to be “fun”. Sometimes, I just want to see some hokey, campy shit that isn’t trying to reassure me that it’s “in on the joke” or whatever.