Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

Can we bring forward criminal referrals to the DoJ for all GQP officials involved in the murder of hundreds of thousands of American citizens?

Fauci is usually polite no matter how dumb the question.  He’s clearly had enough of pandering to children masquerading as leaders.

I’d like to bring forward a criminal referral to the DOJ for Rand Paul for making us all lose precious brain cells. 

Paul's goal wasn't to actually get Fauci charged. It was only to go on the propaganda channel and SAY he was pushing for charges.

Paul’s in over his head, and he’s striking out with what little power he has.  Think of a cornered squirrel. He hopes to muddy Dr. Fauci and our current administration, although if the alleged “gain of function” actually happened, it would have been under the “administration” of the disgraced former president.

Gawdamn! Kinja’d again, by fuck! That ‘60 Buick Deuce-and-a-quarter 6-window is the bomb - picture won’t post.

*sobs* please... someone explain the pulling-your-bottoms-so-high-over-your-hips thing... my family is dying

Found the fascist.

Well, at least your account name is accurate.

Every time I use a crosswalk the hands of Satan erupt from the ground and try to snatch me.

I’m a poor Millennial dad with a non-automotive-enthusiast wife. So, most cars.

GR Yaris for sure. AWD with front and rear torsens, manual trans, turbo engine in a lightweight little 2 door hatchback? Sign me up. I would trade my STI Hatch in on one asap if they sold it over here.

If this was a Law & Order episode, Sam Waterston would try to have them arrested for attempted murder.

As a doctor, I have one word for this group:

  • Make people stand on circles and between lines.

Sadly, no. Since the 80's, many behavioral health facilities have been shut down or greatly reduced the number of available beds, transferring the care of the people who would have been in those facilities/beds to “community care,” which was supposed to mean outpatient treatment but since we also enacted “cost cutting

None, and they’re VERY unhappy about it.

I wanna do this so badly, but we also have grass and I don’t want a mower/whacker flinging rocks into my car. still looking for something that isn’t a straight up concrete pour

What control do you have over what someone else does on their private property? 

Why is it any business of yours? If you don’t want to see neighbor’s stuff, you should buy 40 acres way out in the country.