Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

People complained about all of those character. And still are.

If you’re throwing shade at Joji there, just remember homeboy designed the exterior of the E36 and E90 3-series, the E39 5-series and the Z3.

This isn’t about ‘fans’ per-se. It’s about the vocal minority of Jordan Peterson worshiping racist incels that inhabit twitter, youtube comments and every form of social media. Along with a fair few bots with the same message for good measure.

Jason, there’s no need to go nuts over this. I know we’d all be screwed without the various types of fasteners in our cars, but this was hardly a riveting post. (Although, I will say that photo of the Spyker shows they really know how to nail an interior.) I realize you’re probably just trying to hit your quota so you

When i was 19 i had a jeep with that steering wheel, the one with all the fake hex bolts. The horn didnt work, so i thought to repair it i had to undo all of those hex bolts. went and bought a hex wrench set and everything - man was i pissed.

Why anyone thought it was better than nicely textured black plastic is beyond me. 

I bought an e46 a few years ago, and someone had swapped the real burl wood interior trim for that shitty silver-painted plastic. Ugh. A quick trip to pick-n-pull got me the wood pieces for $30.

God, matte silver painted plastic surfaces were the worst part of that era. I can just imagine that car after 5 years of use and just bare plastic dominating anywhere the driver touched. 

This is the modern GOP... bitch endlessly about the loss of manufacturing, about China stealing our lunch, about the Tech industry suffocating them...

“All of our uncensorable apps come with free malware and trojans. That’s right, absolutely FREE!!

If the phrase “22-year-old crypto-millionaire” didn’t give you pause already...

If this is what they have to do to keep selling hot hatches in the US, then this thing rules.

This is basically where I’m at. A boring car with an electric drivetrain could pique my interest at this point in time. But the same old, same old isn’t doing it for me unless it’s a vehicle that is fun or at least has a little bit of character.

GOP is always pushing “Buy American”, but then their MAGA gear is made in China and now this “Freedumb” phone is made in China/Korea... Sounds about right.

What, you don’t trust Discount Brad Pitt?

Popped collar. Neckbeard. Lack of tangible eyebrows. Bond villain glasses.

“Nobody can blame GOP voters for wanting a phone that prioritizes privacy”

Given their unquestioning acceptance of misinformation and outright lies its pretty easy to understand why the MAGA community is a magnet for every grifter and sleazy operation out there.   They bought in to the biggest grifter out there.  

“We’re finally taking back control.”

Let all the MAGAdiots have one for free: